نتایج جستجو

Transaction cost economics and beyond
Michael Dietrich, 1994
Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond
John Groenewegen (auth.), John Groenewegen (eds.), 1996
Business Exit Planning: Options, Value Enhancement, and Transaction Management for Business Owners
Les Nemethy(auth.), 2011
Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures
Devashish Worah, 1997
In Cold Blood (Transaction Large Print Books)
Truman Capote, 2000
Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond: Toward a New Economics of the Firm
Michael Dietrich, 1994
Principles of Transaction Processing
Bernstein, 2009
Principles of Transaction Processing for the Systems Professional
Philip A. Bernstein, 1996
Transaction Cost Management: Strategies and Practices for a Global Open Economy
Chihiro Suematsu (auth.), 2014
End-to-End E-business Transaction Management Made Easy
IBM Redbooks, 2003
SQL Server Transaction Log Management
Tony Davis, 2012
Open Multithreaded Transactions: A Transaction Model for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming
Jörg Kienzle (auth.), 2003
Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing
J.M. Hurst, 2000
Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications
Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, 1992
The Currency Transaction Tax: Rate and Revenue Estimates
Rodney Schmidt, 2009
German Mergers & Acquisitions in the USA: Transaction management and success
Bernd Wübben (auth.), 2007
Secure Transaction Protocol Analysis: Models and Applications
Qingfeng Chen, 2008