نتایج جستجو

Acta Numerica 1994: Volume 3
Arieh Iserles, 1994
Acta Numerica 1996: Volume 5
Arieh Iserles, 1996
Acta Numerica 2011: Volume 20
Arieh Iserles, 2011
Acta Numerica 2011: Volume 20
Arieh Iserles, 2011
Computing Highly Oscillatory Integrals
Alfredo Deaño, Daan Huybrechs, Arieh Iserles, 2018
Handbook of Child Well-Being: Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perspective
Dr. Asher Ben-Arieh, Prof. Ferran Casas, Prof. Ivar Frønes (auth.), Asher Ben-Arieh, Ferran Casas, Ivar Frønes, Jill E. Korbin (eds.), 2014
Approximation theory and optimization: tributes to M.J.D. Powell
M. D. Buhmann, A. Iserles, 1997
A first course in the numerical analysis of differential equations
Iserles A., 2009
Order Stars
A. Iserles, 1991
A Farewell To Entropy: Statistical Thermodynamics Based On Information
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2008
A Farewell to Entropy: Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2008
A Farewell To Entropy: Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2008
A farewell to entropy: statistical thermodynamics based on information: S=logW
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2008
Entropy demystified: the second law of thermodynamics reduced to plain common sense
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2007
Entropy demystified: the second law reduced to plain common sense
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2007
Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2007
Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2007
Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2008
Entropy demystified: the second law reduced to plain common sense
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2008
Farewell To Entropy
Arieh Ben-Naim, 2008
From Child Welfare to Child Well-Being: An International Perspective on Knowledge in the Service of Policy Making
Alfred J. Kahn (auth.), Sheila B. Kamerman, Shelley Phipps, Asher Ben-Arieh (eds.), 2010