نتایج جستجو

Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics (Fundamentals of Linguistics)
Eva M. Fernández, Helen Smith Cairns, 2010
Aidos: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature
Douglas L. Cairns, 1993
Essentials of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Donald Cairns, 2008
Developments in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 15th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AIE 2002 Cairns, Australia, June 17–20, 2002 Proceedings
Demetrios Michalopoulos, Chih-Kang Hu (auth.), Tim Hendtlass, Moonis Ali (eds.), 2002
Why Engagement Matters: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of User Engagement in Digital Media
Heather O'Brien, Paul Cairns (eds.), 2016
AI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, December 4-6, 2004. Proceedings
Seung-Ryong Yang, Jun-Ki Min, Sung-Bae Cho (auth.), Geoffrey I. Webb, Xinghuo Yu (eds.), 2005
Developments in Applied Spectroscopy
Thomas Cairns, Ben B. Johnson (auth.), A. J. Perkins, E. L. Grove, Emmett F. Kaelble, Joan E. Westermeyer (eds.), 1972
Organic Syntheses: An Annual Publication of Satisfactory Methods for the Preparation of Organic Chemicals, Vol. 35
T. L. (Editor-in-Chief) Cairns, 1955
Organic Syntheses
Cairns T.L., Cason J., Melvin S.N. (eds.), 1955
Organic Syntheses
Leonard N.J., Cairns T.L., Melvin S.N. (eds.), 1956
Teach Yourself RAW in Photoshop
George Cairns, 2015
Advances in Space Environment Research: Volume I
Abraham C.-L. Chian (auth.), A. C.-L. Chian, I. H. Cairns, S. B. Gabriel, J. P. Goedbloed, T. Hada, M. Leubner, L. Nocera, R. Stening, F. Toffoletto, C. Uberoi, J. A. Valdivia, U. Villante, C.-C. Wu, Y. Yan (eds.), 2003
Caesar against liberty? : perspectives on his autocracy
Fantham, Elaine; Cairns, Francis (ed.), 2003
Pursuing the Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's Republic
Douglas Cairns, Fritz-Gregor Herrmann, Terry Penner, 2007
Pursuing the Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's Republic, Volume 4 (Edinburgh Leventis Studies)
Douglas Cairns, Fritz-Gregor Herrmann, Terry Penner, 2007
Pursuing the Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's Republic, Volume 4 (Edinburgh Leventis Studies)
Douglas Cairns, Fritz-Gregor Herrmann, Terry Penner, 2007
Dynamic Planet: Monitoring and Understanding a Dynamic Planet with Geodetic and Oceanographic Tools IAG Symposium Cairns, Australia 22–26 August, 2005
Per Knudsen, Ole B. Andersen, René Forsberg, Henning P. Föh, Arne V. Olesen (auth.), Dr. Paul Tregoning, Dr. Chris Rizos (eds.), 2007
Christianity Through the Centuries: A History of the Christian Church
Earle E. Cairns, 1981
Radiofrequency heating of plasmas
R. A. Cairns, 1991
Youth Transitions, International Student Mobility and Spatial Reflexivity: Being Mobile?
David Cairns (auth.), 2014