نتایج جستجو

International Joint Conference SOCO’13-CISIS’13-ICEUTE’13: Salamanca, Spain, September 11th-13th, 2013 Proceedings
Andrés Sanz-García (auth.), Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Fanny Klett, Ajith Abraham, Václav Snášel, André C.P.L.F. de Carvalho, Pablo García Bringas, Ivan Zelinka, Héctor Quintián, Emilio Corchado (eds.), 2014
VLSI-SoC: Internet of Things Foundations: 22nd IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2014, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, October 6–8, 2014, Revised and Extended Selected Papers
Luc Claesen, Maria-Teresa Sanz-Pascual, Ricardo Reis, Arturo Sarmiento-Reyes (eds.), 2015
Computational Intelligence and Decision Making: Trends and Applications
Miguel A. Sanz-Bobi, 2013
La literatura griega y su tradición
Pilar Hualde Pascual y Manuel Sanz Morales, 2008
Wind energy systems : control engineering design
García-Sanz, Mario, 2012
Malliavin calculus with applications to stochastic partial differential equations
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2005
Malliavin Calculus with Applications to Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2005
Malliavin Calculus with Applications to Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2005
Tool Use in Animals: Cognition and Ecology
Crickette M. Sanz, 2013
Use, Operation and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems: Experiences and Future Approaches
Miguel A. Sanz-Bobi (eds.), 2014
Symmetries and Related Topics in Differential and Difference Equations
David Blazquez-Sanz, 2011
Events and Predication: A New Approach to Syntactic Processing in English and Spanish
Montserrat Sanz, 2000
Microgravity Fluid Mechanics: IUTAM Symposium Bremen 1991
Angel Sanz Andrés (auth.), 1992
Numerical Hamiltonian Problems
J M. Sanz-Serna, 1994
Numerical Hamiltonian Problems (Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation, No 7)
J. M. Sanz-Serna, 1994
Archaeologies of Art: Time, Place, and Identity
Inés Domingo Sanz, 2009
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2007
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006 Vol.2
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2006
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006 Volume 1
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2007
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006 Volume 2
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2007
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006 Volume 3
Marta Sanz-Sole, 2007