نتایج جستجو

Challenges of Expanding Internet: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government: 5th IFIP Conference e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Government (I3E’2005), October 28–30, 2005, Poznan, Poland
Mohammed N. Dewan, Baolin Wu, Yun Yang (auth.), Matohisa Funabashi, Adam Grzech (eds.), 2005
Building E-Commerce Sites with Drupal Commerce Cookbook
Richard Carter, 2013
Utilizing and Managing Commerce and Services Online (Advances in E-Commerce)
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, 2006
Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce
Efraim Turban; Judy Whiteside; David King; Jon Outland, 2017
Introduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce
Efraim Turban, Judy Whiteside, David King & Jon Outland
Annual Report - Iowa State Commerce Commission
Iowa State Commerce Commission, 2021
AI-Powered Commerce: Building the products and services of the future with Commerce.AI
Andy Pandharikar, Frederik Bussler, 2022
Selling Beauty: Cosmetics, Commerce, and French Society, 1750-1830
Morag Martin, 2009
Advanced Research on Electronic Commerce, Web Application, and Communication: International Conference, ECWAC 2011, Guangzhou, China, April 16-17, 2011. Proceedings, Part II
Min Zhu, Ming Guo, YuJin Dai, LiTing Wang (auth.), Gang Shen, Xiong Huang (eds.), 2011
Commerce, Complexity, and Evolution: Topics in Economics, Finance, Marketing, and Management: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium in ... Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics)
William A. Barnett, Carl Chiarella, Steve Keen, Robert Marks, Hermann Schnabl, 2011
.Net E Commerce Programming
Mike Gunderloy Noel Jerke, 2002
.NET E-Commerce Programming
Noel Jerke, 2000