نتایج جستجو

Molecular Constants Mostly from Microwave, Molecular Beam, and Sub-Doppler Laser Spectroscopy: Paramagnetic Diatomic Molecules (Radicals), Part 1
Dines Christen (auth.), ,Wolfgang Hüttner (eds.), 2017
Software Engineering 1: Abstraction and Modelling
Dines Bjørner, 2006
The Best Lesson Series: Writing: 15 Master Teachers Share What Works
Brian Sztabnik; Susan Barber; Jennifer Dines; Rusul Alrubail; Ruth Arseneault; Sarah Donovan; Rebecca Mieliwocki; Tracy Enos; David Cohen; Jori Krulder, 2018
Exploring the Spiritual in Popular Music: Beatified Beats
Georgina Gregory and Mike Dines, 2021
Elbow ulnar collateral ligament injury : a guide to diagnosis and treatment.
Christopher L. Camp (editor); Joshua S. Dines (editor); David Altchek (editor), 2021
Punk Pedagogies : Music, Culture and Learning
Gareth Dylan Smith, Mike Dines and Tom Parkinson, 2017
Punk Pedagogies : Music, Culture and Learning
Gareth Dylan Smith, Mike Dines and Tom Parkinson, 2017
Domain Science and Engineering: A Foundation for Software Development
Dines Bjørner, 2021
Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Critical Reader
Gail Dines, Jean McMahon Humez, 2010
Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-Reader
Gail Dines, Jean McMahon Humez, 2002
Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Text-Reader
Gail Dines, Jean McMahon Humez, 1994
Exploring the Spiritual in Popular Music: Beatified Beats
Georgina Gregory; Mike Dines (editor), 2021
Molekülsymmetrie und Spektroskopie
Ingo-Peter Lorenz; Norbert Kuhn; Stefan Berger; Dines Christen, 2015
New Suburban Stories
Martin Dines; Timotheus Vermeulen (editors), 2013
Pornolândia: como a pornografia sequestrou nossa sexualidade
Gail Dines, 2023
Software Engineering 3: Domains, Requirements, and Software Design
Dines Bjørner, 2006
Hundrede års afhængighed: imperialisme, reformisme og revolution i Latinamerika
Dines Boertmann, 2019
Solutions Manual for Microeconomic Theory by Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry R. Green
Chiaki Hara, Cambridge University, UK, Ilya Segal, University of California at Berkeley, and Steve Tadelis, Harvard University, 1997
A primer for the Monte Carlo method
Ilya M. Sobol, 1994
A Primer for the Monte Carlo Method
Ilya M. Sobol, 1994
A Primer for the Monte Carlo Method
Ilya M. Sobol, 1994
A Primer for the Monte Carlo Method
Ilya M. Sobol, 1994