نتایج جستجو

The Basilicon Doron of King James VI : With an introduction, notes, appendices and glossary
King James VI; James Craigie, 1944
The Basilicon Doron of King James VI : With an introduction, notes, appendices and glossary
King James VI; James Craigie, 1950
Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies
Leslie Harris; James Campbell; Alfred Brophy; Ruth J Simmons; Craig Steven Wilder; Jennifer Bridges Oast; Kabria Baumgartner; J Brent Morris; Sven Beckert; Balraj Gill; Jim Henle; Katherine Stevens; Ellen Griffith Spears; James C Hall; Mark Auslander; Craig B Hollander; Martha A. Sandweiss; Patrick Jamieson; A James Fuller; Diane Windham Shaw; Ywone Edwards-Ingram; R Owen Williams; Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, 2019
Enumeration of idempotents in planar diagram monoids
Igor Dolinka, James East, Des FitzGerald, Nicholas Ham, James Hyded, Nicholas Loughlin, James D. Mitchell, 2019
Catalogue of the collection of medieval manuscripts bequeathed to the Bodleian Library, Oxford by James P.R. Lyell
Lyell, James Patrick Ronaldson; De la Mare, Albinia Catherine; Lyell, James Patrick Ronaldson, 1971
KING JAMES BIBLE (KJV): Verse It:All Edition of The King James Bible
James, King; Various, 2013
Rise And Fall Of Modern Medicine
James Lefanu James Le Fanu,James Le Fanu, 2011
James Patterson by James Patterson: The Stories of My Life
James Patterson, 2022
Lasers and Light. Readings from Scientific American. With an introduction by Arthur L. Schawlow
Arthur L. Schawlow, Gerald Feinberg, Victor F. Weisskopf, Ali Javan, Pierre Connes, Arnold L. Bloom, F. Dow Smith, Narinder S. Kapany, R. Clark Jones, Gerald Oster, George Wald, Sterling B. Hendricks, James Marston Fitch, Ulric Neisser, E. Llewellyn Thomas, Sir Lawrence Bragg, Bruce C. Murray, James A. Westphal, G. Neugebauer, Robert Leighton, Robert N. Colwell, James P. Gordon, George C. Pimentel, Alexander Lempicki, Harold Samelson, C.K.N. Patel, J.A. Giordmaine, Sven R. Hartmann, Donald R. He, 1969
The best American nonrequired reading 2014
Altschul, Andrew Foster; Becher, Cole; Brock-Broido, Lucie; Cranor, Jeffrey; Dargan, Kyle G.; Davis, Kathryn; Di Giovanni, Janine; Dickman, Matthew; El Rashidi, Yasmine; Fink, Joseph; Gabriel. Heller, ; Ganeshananthan, V. V.; Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi; Grant, A. T.; Gumbiner, Daniel; Handler, Daniel; Johnson, Adam; Katz, Lally; Keane, Dan; Liebegott, Ali; Maner, Karen; Mogelson, Luke; Morgan, Maia; Nilsen, Anders; Oswald, Sylvan; Oz, Amos; Pierce, Thomas; Rich, Nathaniel; Ruykeyser, Rebecca; Sakuga, 2014
Análisis Químico Cuantitavito Tercera Edición Daniel C. Harris
Daniel C. Harris, 2007
International Handbook of Educational Evaluation
Thomas Kellaghan, Daniel L. Stufflebeam, Lori A. Wingate (auth.), Thomas Kellaghan, Daniel L. Stufflebeam (eds.), 2003
Annals of Theoretical Psychology
Daniel N. Robinson (auth.), Daniel N. Robinson, Leendert P. Mos (eds.), 1990
Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge: Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Theory and Practice
Daniel Sui, Michael Goodchild, Sarah Elwood (auth.), Daniel Sui, Sarah Elwood, Michael Goodchild (eds.), 2013
Likelihood, Bayesian and MCMC Methods in Quantitative Genetics
Daniel Sorensen, Daniel Gianola, 2002
Likelihood, Bayesian and MCMC Methods in Quantitative Genetics
Daniel Sorensen, Daniel Gianola, 2002
Erlebniskommunikation: Erfolgsfaktoren für die Marketingpraxis
Hans H. Bauer, Daniel Heinrich, Michael Samak (auth.), Hans H. Bauer, Daniel Heinrich, Michael Samak (eds.), 2012
Biomedical Image Registration: 5th International Workshop, WBIR 2012, Nashville, TN, USA, July 7-8, 2012. Proceedings
Claire R. Donoghue, Anil Rao, Anthony M. J. Bull, Daniel Rueckert (auth.), Benoît M. Dawant, Gary E. Christensen, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Daniel Rueckert (eds.), 2012
Biomedical Image Registration: 5th International Workshop, WBIR 2012, Nashville, TN, USA, July 7-8, 2012. Proceedings
Claire R. Donoghue, Anil Rao, Anthony M. J. Bull, Daniel Rueckert (auth.), Benoît M. Dawant, Gary E. Christensen, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, Daniel Rueckert (eds.), 2012
Handbook of climate change and agroecosystems : the agricultural model intercomparison and improvement project integrated crop and economic assessments
Daniel Hillel, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Daniel Hillel, Cynthia Rosenzweig, 2015
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Daniel J. Bernstein (auth.), Daniel J. Bernstein, Johannes Buchmann, Erik Dahmen (eds.), 2009
The Social Response to Environmental Risk: Policy Formulation in an Age of Uncertainty
Daniel W. Bromley (auth.), Daniel W. Bromley, Kathleen Segerson (eds.), 1992
Chemical Protective Clothing, Second Edition
Daniel H., Ph.D. Anna, Daniel H., Ph.D. Anna, 2003