نتایج جستجو

Prostate Cancer: Signaling Networks, Genetics, and New Treatment Strategies
Alexander Valdman MD, PhD, Robert B. Jenkins MD, PhD (auth.), Richard G. Pestell MD, PhD, Marja T. Nevalainen MD, PhD, Michael Milken MBA (eds.), 2008
Fisher Investments on Consumer Staples (Fisher Investments Press)
Fisher Investments, 2009
Fisher Investments on Emerging Markets (Fisher Investments Press)
Fisher Investments, 2009
Fisher Investments on Energy (Fisher Investments Press)
Fisher Investments, 2009
Fisher Investments on Industrials (Fisher Investments Press)
Fisher Investments, 2009
Fisher Investments on Telecom (Fisher Investments Press)
Fisher Investments, 2011
Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology: Oral Anatomy, Histology, Physiology and Biochemistry, 1e
Barry K. B. Berkovitz BDSMScPhDFDS (ENG), Bernard J. Moxham BScBDSPhD, Roger W. A. Linden BDSPhDMFDSRCS, Alastair J. Sloan BScPhD, 2010
A Clinician's Guide to Teaching Mindfulness: The Comprehensive Session-by-Session Program for Mental Health Professionals and Health Care Providers
Christiane Wolf MDPhD, J. Greg Serpa PhD, Jack Kornfield PhD, Trudy Goodman PhD, 2015
Brody's Human Pharmacology 5th Edition
Lynn Wecker PhD, Lynn Crespo PhD, George Dunaway PhD, Carl Faingold, Stephanie Watts PhD, 2009
Advances in PID Control
Tan Kok Kiong PhD, Wang Qing-Guo PhD, Hang Chang Chieh PhD, Tore J. Hägglund PhD (auth.), 1999
Therapeutic Exercises for Spinal Segmental Stabilization in Low Back Pain: Scientific Basis and Clinical Approach
Carolyn Richardson PhDBPhty(Hons), Gwendolen Jull PhDMPhtyGrad Dip Man TherFACP, Paul W. Hodges PhDMD(Neurosci)BPhty(Hons), Julie Hides PhDMPhtySTBphty, 1998
R-Trees: Theory and Applications
Yannis Manolopoulos PhD, Alexandros Nanopoulos PhD, Apostolos N. Papadopoulos PhD, Yannis Theodoridis PhD (auth.), 2006
The Sensory Circumventricular Organs of the Mammalian Brain: Subfornical Organ, OVLT and Area Postrema
Dr Michael J. McKinley PhD, DSc, Robin M. McAllen BSc (Hons) PhD, MBChB, Pamela Davern BSc, Lipt B, Michelle E. Giles BAppSc, Jenny Penschow BAppSc, PhD, Nana Sunn BSc (Hons), Aaron Uschakov BSc (Hons), Brian J. Oldfield BSc (Hons), PhD (auth.), 2003
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
Thilo Deckersbach PhD, Britta Hölzel PhD, Lori Eisner PhD, PhD Sara W. Lazar, Andrew A. Nierenberg MD, 2014
The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide
Nikolaos Kazantzis PhD, Frank M. Dattilio PhDABPP, Keith S. Dobson PhD, Judith S. Beck PhD, 2017
The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide
Nikolaos Kazantzis PhD, Frank M. Dattilio PhDABPP, Keith S. Dobson PhD, Judith S. Beck PhD, 2017
The Mindful and Effective Employee: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training Manual for Improving Well-Being and Performance
Paul E. Flaxman PhD, Frank W. Bond PhD, Fredrik Livheim PhD, Steven C. Hayes PhD, 2013
Larsen Embriologia Humana
Gary C. Schoenwolf, PhD, Steven B. Bleyl, MD, PhD, Philip R. Brauer, PhD and Philippa H. Francis-West, PhD, 2016
Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes César Fernández-de-las-Peñas PT PhD Dr. SciMed, Joshua Cleland PT PhD, Peter A. Huijbregts PT MSc MHSc DPT OCS MTC FAAOMPT FCAMT
Neck and Arm Pain Syndromes César Fernández-de-las-Peñas PT PhD Dr. SciMed, Joshua Cleland PT PhD, Peter A. Huijbregts PT MSc MHSc DPT OCS MTC FAAOMPT FCAMT, 2011
The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging
Jerrold T. Bushberg PhD, J. Anthony Seibert PhD, Edwin M. LeidholdtJr. PhD, John M. Boone PhD, 2020
Gray's Basic Anatomy Richard Drake PhD, A. Wayne Vogl PhD, Adam W. M. Mitchell MB BS FRCS FRCR
Gray's Basic Anatomy Richard Drake PhD, A. Wayne Vogl PhD, Adam W. M. Mitchell MB BS FRCS FRCR, 2022
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective
Walter F. Truszkowski (auth.), Christopher A. Rouff PhD, MS, BA, Professor Michael Hinchey PhD, MSc, BSc, CMath, CEng, CPEng, CITP, FBCS, FIEE, FIMA, FIEAust, SMIEEE, James Rash MA, BA, Walter Truszkowski MA, BA, Diana Gordon-Spears PhD (eds.), 2006
Biochemical Pharmacology of Blood and Bloodforming Organs
J. W. Fisher (auth.), James W. Fisher Ph.D. (eds.), 1992
Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text
Allan Gaw MDPhDMRCPathMFPMMICR, Michael J. Murphy FRCPEdinFRCPath, Robert A. Cowan BScPhD, Denis St. J. O'Reilly MScMDFRCPath, Michael J. Stewart PhDFRCPath, James Shepherd MD, 2008