نتایج جستجو

唐代陳拙論古琴指法 /Tang dai Chen Zhuo lun gu qin zhi fa
Chen, Zhuo; Huang, Shuzhi; Jiang, Keqian; Yao, Bingyan; Yao, Bingyan, 2005
Molecular Cytogenetics: Protocols and Applications
Yao-Shan Fan (auth.), Yao-Shan Fan (eds.), 2003
Complex Systems Design & Management: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Complex Systems Design & Management Asia and of the 12th ... Systems Design & Management CSD&M 2021
Daniel Krob (editor), Lefei Li (editor), Junchen Yao (editor), Hongjun Zhang (editor), Xinguo Zhang (editor), 2021
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2021)
João Rafael da Costa Sanches Galvão (editor), Paulo Sérgio Duque de Brito (editor), Filipe dos Santos Neves (editor), Flávio Gabriel da Silva Craveiro (editor), Henrique de Amorim Almeida (editor), Joel Oliveira Correia Vasco (editor), Luís Miguel Pires Neves (editor), Ricardo de Jesus Gomes (editor), Sandra de Jesus Martins Mourato (editor), Vânia Sofia Santos Ribeiro (editor), 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021: 21st International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 13–16, 2021, Proceedings, Part V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12953)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Sanjay Misra (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Ivan Blečić (editor), David Taniar (editor), Bernady O. Apduhan (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Eufemia Tarantino (editor), Carmelo Maria Torre (editor), 2021
Euripides: Commentaria, marginalia, lexica
Guido Bastianini (editor), Daniela Colomo (editor), Francesca Maltomini (editor), Fausto Montana (editor), Franco Montanari (editor), Serena Perrone (editor), Cornelia Römer (editor), Kathleen McNamee (editor), Elena Esposito (editor), Marco Stroppa (editor), 2023
Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds (Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 121)
A. Douglas Kinghorn (editor), Heinz Falk (editor), Simon Gibbons (editor), Yoshinori Asakawa (editor), Ji-Kai Liu (editor), Verena M. Dirsch (editor), 2023
Naturally Occurring Organohalogen Compounds (Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 121)
A. Douglas Kinghorn (editor), Heinz Falk (editor), Simon Gibbons (editor), Yoshinori Asakawa (editor), Ji-Kai Liu (editor), Verena M. Dirsch (editor), 2023
Deep Generative Models, and Data Augmentation, Labelling, and Imperfections
Sandy Engelhardt (editor), Ilkay Oksuz (editor), Dajiang Zhu (editor), Yixuan Yuan (editor), Anirban Mukhopadhyay (editor), Nicholas Heller (editor), Sharon Xiaolei Huang (editor), Hien Nguyen (editor), Raphael Sznitman (editor), 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021: 21st International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 13–16, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Sanjay Misra (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Ivan Blečić (editor), David Taniar (editor), Bernady O. Apduhan (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Eufemia Tarantino (editor), 2021
Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples
Janos J. Bogardi (editor), Joyeeta Gupta (editor), K. D. Wasantha Nandalal (editor), Léna Salamé (editor), Ronald R.P. van Nooijen (editor), Navneet Kumar (editor), Tawatchai Tingsanchali (editor), Anik Bhaduri (editor), Alla G. Kolechkina (editor), 2021
Advances in Visual Computing: 16th International Symposium, ISVC 2021, Virtual Event, October 4-6, 2021, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
George Bebis (editor), Vassilis Athitsos (editor), Tong Yan (editor), Manfred Lau (editor), Frederick Li (editor), Conglei Shi (editor), Xiaoru Yuan (editor), Christos Mousas (editor), Gerd Bruder (editor), 2021
Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics (Oxford Textbooks in Surgery)
Christopher Bulstrode (editor), James Wilson-MacDonald (editor), Deborah M. Eastwood (editor), John McMaster (editor), Jeremy Fairbank (editor), Parminder J. Singh (editor), Sandeep Bawa (editor), Panagoitis D. Gikas (editor), Tim Bunker (editor), 2017
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae, vol. V. Galilaea and Northern Regions, part 2: 6925-7818
Walter Ameling (editor), Hannah M. Cotton (editor), Werner Eck (editor), Avner Ecker (editor), Benjamin Isaac (editor), Alla Kushnir-Stein (editor), Jonathan Price (editor), Peter Weiß (editor), Ada Yardeni (editor), 2022
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae, vol. V. Galilaea and Northern Regions, part 1: 5876-6924
Walter Ameling (editor), Hannah M. Cotton (editor), Werner Eck (editor), Avner Ecker (editor), Benjamin Isaac (editor), Alla Kushnir-Stein (editor), Jonathan Price (editor), Peter Weiß (editor), Ada Yardeni (editor), 2022
Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2021 Workshops: BIOKDD, IWCFS, MLKgraphs, AI-CARES, ProTime, AISys 2021, Virtual Event, September ... in Computer and Information Science)
Gabriele Kotsis (editor), A Min Tjoa (editor), Ismail Khalil (editor), Bernhard Moser (editor), Atif Mashkoor (editor), Johannes Sametinger (editor), Anna Fensel (editor), Jorge Martinez-Gil (editor), Lukas Fischer (editor), 2021
Communication and Networking: International Conference, FGCN 2011, Held as Part of the Future Generation Information Technology Conference, FGIT 2011, ... in Computer and Information Science, 266)
Tai-hoon Kim (editor), Hojjat Adeli (editor), Wai-chi Fang (editor), Thanos Vasilakos (editor), Adrian Stoica (editor), Charalampos Z. Patrikakis (editor), Gansen Zhao (editor), Javier Garcia Villalba (editor), Yang Xiao (editor), 2011
Cyber Security: 17th China Annual Conference, CNCERT 2020, Beijing, China, August 12, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Wei Lu (editor), Qiaoyan Wen (editor), Yuqing Zhang (editor), Bo Lang (editor), Weiping Wen (editor), Hanbing Yan (editor), Chao Li (editor), Li Ding (editor), Ruiguang Li (editor), 2021
Computational Logic ― CL 2000: First International Conference London, UK, July 24–28, 2000 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1861)
John Lloyd (editor), Veronica Dahl (editor), Ulrich Furbach (editor), Manfred Kerber (editor), Kung-Kiu Lau (editor), Catuscia Palamidessi (editor), Luis M. Pereira (editor), Yehoshua Sagiv (editor), Peter J. Stuckey (editor), 2000
Uncertainty and Imprecision in Decision Making and Decision Support - New Advances, Challenges, and Perspectives (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)
Krassimir T. Atanassov (editor), Vassia Atanassova (editor), Janusz Kacprzyk (editor), Andrzej Kałuszko (editor), Maciej Krawczak (editor), Jan W. Owsiński (editor), Sotir S. Sotirov (editor), Evdokia Sotirova (editor), Eulalia Szmidt (editor), 2023