نتایج جستجو

Particles And Fields
David Lurie, 1968
Particles And Fields
David Lurie, 1968
Theory of Elasticity (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics)
A.I. Lurie, 2005
Higher Topos Theory
Lurie J., 2009
Higher algebra
Lurie J, 2016
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials
Konstantin A. Lurie (auth.), 2017
First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship
Latha Ganti, Matthew S. Kaufman, Neeraja Kairam, Lurie Brian M., Ethan Wiener, 2017
Atheism Kills: The Dangers of a World Without God – and Cause for Hope
Barak Lurie; Dennis Prager, 2017
First Aid for the® Pediatrics Clerkship
Latha Ganti, MD, MS, MBA, FACEP, Matthew Kaufman, MD, Neeraja Kairam, MD, Brian M. Lurie, MD, MPH, Ethan Wiener, MD, FAAP, FACEP
Private Investment in a Controlled Economy : Germany, 1933-1939
Lurie, Samuel, 1947
Begin the Begin: R.E.M.’s Early Years
Robert Dean Lurie, 2019
The academic job search handbook
Furlong, Jennifer S.; Heiberger, Mary Morris; Lurie, Rosanne; Vick, Julia Miller, 2016
Higher Algebra
Lurie J., 2016
The Chief Justiceship of William Howard Taft, 1921-1930
Jonathan Lurie, 2019
Classical Feedback Control with Nonlinear Multi-Loop Systems: With MATLAB® and Simulink®
Boris J. Lurie; Paul J. Enright, 2020
Classical Feedback Control with Nonlinear Multi-Loop Systems: With MATLAB® and Simulink®
Boris J. Lurie; Paul J. Enright, 2020
Classical Feedback Control with Nonlinear Multi-Loop Systems: With MATLAB and Simulink
Boris J. Lurie, Paul Enright, 2019
Words and Worlds: From Autobiography to zippers
Alison Lurie, 2019
The subsistence economy of the Dogrib Indians of Lac La Martre in the Mackenzie District of the Northwest Territories (Tlicho, Whati, Dene)
June Helm, Nancy Oestreich Lurie, 1961
The Dogrib Hand Game ; with Dogrib Choreography and Music ( Tlicho, Dene )
June Helm, Nancy Oestreich Lurie, Gertrude Prokosch Kurath, 1966
A Brief History of Chinese and Japanese Civilizations
Conrad Schirokauer, Miranda Brown, David Lurie, Suzanne Gay, 2012
Spectral algebraic geometry
Lurie J., 2018
Higher Algebra
Lurie J., 2017