نتایج جستجو

High Energy Density Laboratory Astrophysics
Sergey V. Lebedev, 2007
Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol 18. Supplement 2. ALEKSANDR NIKOLAEVICH LEBEDEV - FRITZ ZWICKY
Charles Coulston Gillispie (ed.) Frederic L. Holmes (editor in chief), 1990
Introduction to Mathematical Elasticity
Lebedev L.P., 2009
Introduction to mathematical elasticity
Lebedev L.P., 2009
Introduction to Mathematical Elasticity
Leonid P. Lebedev, 2009
Tensor analysis
L.P. Lebedev, 2003
Tensor analysis with applications in mechanics
Lebedev L., 2010
Tensor Analysis With Applications in Mechanics
Lebedev L.P., 2010
Tensor Analysis With Applications in Mechanics
Leonid P. Lebedev
Worked Problems in Applied Mathematics
Lebedev N.N., 1979
Worked problems in applied mathematics
Nikolai Nikolaevich Lebedev, 2010
Worked Problems in Applied Mathematics
Nikolai Nikolaevich Lebedev, 1979
Approximating Perfection: A Mathematician’s Journey into the World of Mechanics
L. P. Lebedev, Michael J. Cloud, 2004
Approximating Perfection: A Mathematician’s Journey into the World of Mechanics
L. P. Lebedev, Michael J. Cloud, 2004
An outline of history of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences (1714-1961).
(Botanist) D. V. Lebedev; Botanicheskiĭ institut im. V.L. Komarova., 1962
Modern Approaches to Augmentation of Brain Function
Ioan Opris (editor), Mikhail A. Lebedev (editor), Manuel F. Casanova (editor), 2021