نتایج جستجو

Crime State Rankings 2007: Crime in the 50 United States (Crime State Rankings)
Kathleen O"Leary Morgan, 2007
Armed and Glamorous: A Crime of Fashion Mystery (Crime of Fashion Mysteries)
Ellen Byerrum, 2008
City Crime Rankings: Crime in Metropolitan America - 12th Edition
Kathleen O'Leary Morgan, Scott Morgan, 2005
Contemporary American Crime Fiction (Crime Files)
Hans Bertens, Theo D'haen, 2001
Crime and Crime Control: A Global View (A World View of Social Issues)
Gregg Barak, 2000
Crime and Punishment: Essential Primary Sources (Social Issues Primary Sources: Crime & Punishment)
K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner (Editors)
Crime Fighting and Crime Prevention (Criminal Justice)
Michael Newton, 2010
Crime Victim's Guide to Justice, 3E (Crime Victims' Guide to Justice)
Mary Boland, 2008
Crime Wave: The Filmgoers' Guide to the Great Crime Movies
Howard Hughes, 2006
Crime's Power: Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime
Philip C. Parnell, Stephanie C. Kane, 2003
Deviance in Contemporary Crime Fiction (Crime Files)
Christiana Gregoriou, 2007
Forensic Science: From the Crime Scene to the Crime Lab
Richard Saferstein, 2012
Scene of the crime : a writer's guide to crime-scene investigations
Wingate, Anne, 1992
Putting Fear of Crime on the Map: Investigating Perceptions of Crime Using Geographic Information Systems
Bruce J. Doran, Melissa B. Burgess (auth.), 2012
Crime Scene Asia, Vol.1. Crime Fiction from India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
Richard Lord,Dawn Farnham, 2013