نتایج جستجو

Light as an Energy Source and Information Carrier in Plant Physiology
Giorgio Forti (auth.), Robert C. Jennings, Giuseppe Zucchelli, Francesco Ghetti, Giuliano Colombetti (eds.), 1996
Photosynthesis III: Photosynthetic Membranes and Light Harvesting Systems
L. A. Staehelin (auth.), Professor L. Andrew Staehelin, Professor Charles J. Arntzen (eds.), 1986
An Introduction to Dynamic Light Scattering by Macromolecules
Kenneth S. Schmitz (Auth.), 1990
Photochemistry Vol. 39 A review of the literature published between May 2010 and April 2011
Angelo Albini; Catia Clementi, 2011
China Under the Search-Light (Cambridge Library Collection - Travel and Exploration)
William Arthur Cornaby, 2010
Экономическое обоснование. Методические указания по дипломному проектированию для студентов специальности ''Технология легкой промышленности''
Цыбиков Б.Б., Баторова С.Р., Санжалова О.В., 2005
Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles
Craig F. Bohren, Donald R. Huffman, 1983
Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles (Wiley science paperback series)
Craig F. Bohren, Donald R. Huffman, 1983
Aerosol Optics: Light Absorption and Scattering by Particles in the Atmosphere
Dr Alexander A. Kokhanovsky (auth.), 2008
Light from the Depths of Time
Professor Rudolf Kippenhahn (auth.), 1987
Alternate Light Source Imaging. Forensic Photography Techniques
Norman Marin, Jeffrey Buszka and Larry S. Miller (Auth.), 2013
Photochemistry: Volume 43
Elisa Fasani, Angelo Albini, Angelo Albini, Valeria Amendola, Koji Araki, Aaron Beeler, Alexander Briceño, Fausto Puntoriero, Richard Friend, Leonard MacGillivray, Sandra Monti, J. Sergio Seixas de Melo, 2015
Light Absorption of Organic Colorants: Theoretical Treatment and Empirical Rules
A. T. Peters, H. S. Freeman (eds.), 1980
Investigation into High Efficiency Visible Light Photocatalysts for Water Reduction and Oxidation
David James Martin (auth.), 2015
Light Visible and Invisible:A Series of Lectures Delivered at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, at Christmas, 1896
Silvanus Phillips Thompson, 1897
Visible and Invisible: The Wonders of Light Phenomena
Olmes Bisi (auth.), 2015
Dawn's Light (Restoration Series #4)
Terri Blackstock, 2008
Light & Lens: Photography in the Digital Age
Robert Hirsch, 2007
Light & Shoot: 50 Fashion Photos
Chris Gatcum, 2011