نتایج جستجو

Bach’s Continuo Group: Players and Practice in His Vocal Works
Laurence Dreyfus, 1990
The Bach Cello Suite No. 1 Study Book
Cassia Harvey
Bach and the Pedal Clavichord: An Organist’s Guide
Joel Speerstra, 2005
J. S. Bach at His Royal Instrument: Essays on His Organ Works
Russell Stinson, 2012
Essay on the true art of playing keyboard instruments
(Wiliam John), ; Mitchell, William J.; Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1949
Bach-Jahrbuch 2017.
Wollny, Peter, 2018
Leading an Academic Medical Practice
Lee Bach Lu, Ernie-Paul Barrette, Craig Noronha, Halle G. Sobel, Daniel G. Tobin, (eds.), 2018
Bach and Handel
SusanMartinez, 2017
Piero Buscaroli, 1998
C. F. Abdy Williams, 1906
Engaging Bach: The Keyboard Legacy from Marpurg to Mendelssohn
Matthew Dirst, 2012
The Compositional Process of J.S. Bach: A Study of the Autograph Scores of the Vocal Works (2 Volume Set)
Robert Lewis Marshall, 1972
Dance and the Music of J. S. Bach
Meredith Little, Natalie Jenne, 2001
De dood in cantates van J.S. Bach : van Actus Tragicus tot Trauer-Ode
Bossuyt, Ignace, 2015
Exploring the World of J. S. Bach: A Traveler’s Guide
Robert L. Marshall, Traute M. Marshall, 2016
J.S. Bach. De h-Moll-Messe
Bossuyt, Ignace, 2017
The Compositional Process of J.S. Bach: A Study of the Autograph Scores of the Vocal Works (2 Volume Set)
Robert Lewis Marshall, 1972
Sara Levy’s World: Gender, Judaism, and the Bach Tradition in Enlightenment Berlin
Rebecca Cypess, Nancy Sinkoff (eds.), 2018
Unterwegs mit Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach : musikalisch-biografischer Reiseführer zu seinen Lebensstationen
Blanken, Christine; Ensslin, Wolfram (eds.), 2014
Bach in America
Stephen A. Crist (ed.), 2002
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter, 1999