نتایج جستجو

CRC Handbook of agricultural productivity / Vol. I Plant productivity
Rechcígl, Miloslav, 1982
CRC Handbook of Naturally Occurring Food Toxicants
Miloslav Rechcigl, 1983, 1996
CRC handbook of nutritional supplements vol II Agricultural Use
Rechcígl, Miloslav, 1983
CRC handbook of nutritional supplements vol I Human use
Rechcígl, Miloslav, 1983
CRC handbook of geophysical exploration at sea
Richard A. Geyer, Margaret Ashwell, 1992
CRC handbook of viruses infecting legumes
Edwardson, John Richard; Christie, R. G, 1991
CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering, Second Edition
Raj P. Chhabra, 2018
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulas, 33rd Edition
Daniel Zwillinger, 2017
CRC handbook of biochemistry and molecular biology. Proteins. Volume III
Fasman, Gerald D, 2018
CRC Handbook of Solubility Parameters and Other Cohesion Parameters, Second Edition
Allan F.M. Barton, 2017
The Garbage Collection Handbook: The Art of Automatic Memory Management (Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Algorithms and Data Structures series)
Richard Jones; Antony Hosking; Eliot Moss, 2011
CRC Handbook of Thermodynamic Data of Polymer Solutions, Three Volume Set
Wohlfarth, Christian, 2018
CRC world dictionary of palms: common names, scientific names, eponyms, synonyms, and etymologyn
Quattrocchi, Umberto, 2017
CRC Handbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Volume I (1990)
Asim Kurjak, 2019, 1990
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
William M. Haynes, 2015
Introduction to Probability (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
Joseph K. Blitzstein ;Jessica Hwang, 2019
Handbook of Financial Risk Management (Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series)
Thierry Roncalli, 2020
Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Quantitative Finance (Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series)
Daniele Ritelli, Giulia Spaletta, 2020
Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)
Chester Ismay, Albert Y. Kim, 2019
Handbook of Data Structures and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series)
Dinesh P. Mehta (editor), Sartaj Sahni (editor), 2018