نتایج جستجو

The Social Democratic Parties in the Visegrád Countries: Predicaments and Prospects for Progressivism
Ania Skrzypek, András Bíró-Nagy, 2023
Loops in Group Theory and Lie Theory (de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)
Karl Strambach, Péter Nagy, 2002
Nálunk is megterem
V. Nagy Enikő, Velich István
A nagy természet s a kicsiny ember
Hoitsy Pál, 1883
Climate Change, Hazards and Adaptation Options: Handling the Impacts of a Changing Climate (Climate Change Management)
Walter Leal Filho (editor), Gustavo J. Nagy (editor), Marco Borga (editor), Pastor David Chávez Muñoz (editor), Artur Magnuszewski (editor), 2020
Climate Vulnerability and Resilience in the Global South: Human Adaptations for Sustainable Futures (Climate Change Management)
G. M. Monirul Alam (editor), Michael O. Erdiaw-Kwasie (editor), Gustavo J. Nagy (editor), Walter Leal Filho (editor), 2021
Complex Digital Hardware Design
Istvan Nagy, 2024