نتایج جستجو

Introduction to biological physics for the health and life sciences
Kirsten Franklin, Paul Muir, Terry Scott, Lara Wilcocks, Paul Yates, 2010
Compendium of terminology and nomenclature of properties in clinical laboratory sciences: recommendations 2015
Georges Férard, René Dybkaer, Xavier Fuentes-Arderiu, 2016
Data analysis for the life sciences with R
Irizarry, Rafael A.; Love, Michael I, 2017
GIS technology applications in environmental and earth sciences
Tian, Bai, 2017
Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Behavior: the 4th International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science (ICIBSoS 2015), Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, 22-23 October 2015 & Arya Duta hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, 07-08 November 2015
Bagautdinova, Nailya; Hutagalung, Fonny; Lumban Gaol, Ford; Safiullin, Lenar, 2016
The Value of Systems and Complexity Sciences for Healthcare
Joachim P. Sturmberg (eds.), 2016
Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics for the Biological Sciences Using R
Thomas W. MacFarland, Jan M. Yates (auth.), 2016
Excel 2016 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
Thomas J. Quirk, Meghan H. Quirk, Howard F. Horton (auth.), 2016
Excel 2016 for Environmental Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
Thomas J. Quirk, Meghan H. Quirk, Howard F. Horton (auth.), 2016
Excel 2016 for Physical Sciences Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
Thomas J. Quirk, Meghan H. Quirk, Howard F. Horton (auth.), 2016
Spatial Modeling Principles in Earth Sciences
Zekai Sen (auth.), 2016
Optimization and Its Applications in Control and Data Sciences: In Honor of Boris T. Polyak’s 80th Birthday
Boris Goldengorin (eds.), 2016
The Social Sciences of Quantification: From Politics of Large Numbers to Target-Driven Policies
Isabelle Bruno, Florence Jany-Catrice, Béatrice Touchelay (eds.), 2016
Computer and Information Sciences: 31st International Symposium, ISCIS 2016, Kraków, Poland, October 27–28, 2016, Proceedings
Tadeusz Czachórski, Erol Gelenbe, Krzysztof Grochla, Ricardo Lent (eds.), 2016
Text Mining for Qualitative Data Analysis in the Social Sciences: A Study on Democratic Discourse in Germany
Gregor Wiedemann (auth.), 2016
Unsafety: Disaster Management, Organizational Accidents, and Crisis Sciences for Sustainability
Shigeo Atsuji (auth.), 2016
Writing up Quantitative Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Marianne Fallon (auth.), 2016
Applied Statistics for Social and Management Sciences
Abdul Quader Miah (auth.), 2016
Knowledge and Systems Sciences: 17th International Symposium, KSS 2016, Kobe, Japan, November 4-6, 2016, Proceedings
Jian Chen, Yoshiteru Nakamori, Wuyi Yue, Xijin Tang (eds.), 2016
Grand Theories and Ideologies in the Social Sciences
Howard J. Wiarda (eds.), 2010
The New Sciences of Religion: Exploring Spirituality from the Outside In and Bottom Up
William Grassie (auth.), 2010
Memory in the Twenty-First Century: New Critical Perspectives from the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences
Sebastian Groes (eds.), 2016