نتایج جستجو

Dizionario storico dell'Inquisizione
Adriano Prosperi (editor), Vincenzo Lavenia (editor), John Tedeschi (editor), 2010
Turfan Revisited: The First Century of Research into the Arts and Cultures of the Silk Road
Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst; Simone-Christiane Raschmann; Jens Wilkens; Marianne Yaldiz; Peter Zimme, 2004
Everyday Data Cultures
Jean Burgess, Kath Albury, Anthony McCosker, Rowan Wilken, 2022
陳淩千, 1937
Understanding Psychology in the Context of Relationship, Community, Workplace and Culture
Surendra Kumar Sia, Lauren S. Crane, Ajay K. Jain, Shabana Bano, 2022
Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь основных фармацевтических и фармакопейных терминов
О. Ю. Щепочкина, Г. В. Раменская, В. И. Прокофьева; ФГАОУ ВО Первый МГМУ им. И. М. Сеченова, 2018
Consuming Surrealism in American Culture: Dissident Modernism
Sandra Zalman, 2015
English/Swahili - Bilingual Dictionary for ESL Beginners = Kiingereza/Swahili - Kamusi ya kiswahili na kiingereza kwa wanao jifunza lugha ya kiingereza kama lugha ya pili.
Multicultural Programs Unit, Equity Programs and Distance Education Directorate, 2010
The Collins dictionary of Canadian history, 1867 to the present
David J. Bercuson, J.L. Granatstein, 1988
The Culture and Politics of Regime Change in Italy, c.1494–c.1559
Alexander Lee, Brian Jeffrey Maxson, 2022
New Perspectives on the Politics & Culture of Early Modern Scotland
Alexander Dywer, John;Mason, Roger A.;Murdoch, 1982
Science Is Culture: Conversations at the New Intersection of Science + Society
Adam Bly, Julian Dufort, 2010
Die Raumfahrt der Gesellschaft: Wirtschaft und Kultur im New Space Age
Dierk Spreen (editor), Bernd Flessner (editor), 2021
Historical Dictionary of Peru
Peter F. Klarén, 2019
Best Sex Writing 2012: The State of Today's Sexual Culture
Susie Bright, Rachel Kramer Bussel, 2012
Best Sex Writing 2012: The State of Today's Sexual Culture
Susie Bright, Rachel Kramer Bussel, 2012
A CIBERCULTURA EM TRANSFORMAÇÃO Poder, liberdade e sociabilidade em tempos de compartilhamento, nomadismo e mutação de direitos
TRIVINO, Eugênio, REIS, Angela Pintor dos., 2010
Русско-французский словарь. Профессиональная и обыденная коммуникация
А. П. Седых, Ж. Багана, А. Н. Лангнер
Digital Culture & Society 2021: Networked Images in Surveillance Capitalism
Anna Polze (Editor), Olga Moskatova (Editor), Ramon Reichert (Editor), 2022
Терминологический словарь по антенно-фидерным устройствам: учебное пособие
И. А. Зеленин, Д. В. Журавлёв, Ю. Г. Пастернак, С. М. Федоров, 2022
Dicionário Básico de Filosofia
Hilton Japiassú; Danilo Marcondes, 1990