نتایج جستجو

Handbuch der Virusforschung: 4. Band (III. Ergänzungsband)
F. M. Burnet (auth.), Prof. Dr. C. Hallauer, Prof. Dr. K. F. Meyer (eds.), 1958
Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie: Bibliography of Soviet Philosophy V
Prof. Dr. J. M. Bocheński (auth.), Prof. Dr. J. M. Bocheński (eds.), 1964
Bibliographie der Sowjetischen Philosophie: Die ‘Voprosy Filosofii’ 1947–1956
Prof. Dr. J. M. Bochenski (auth.), Prof. Dr. J. M. Bochenski (eds.), 1959
Die Urkunden über Rembrandt: 1575–1721
Dr. C. Hofstede De Groot (auth.), Dr. C. Hofstede De Groot (eds.), 1906
The Creative University
Michael A. Peters, Tina Besley (auth.), Michael A. Peters, Tina Besley (eds.), 2013
The Nature of Technology: Implications for Learning and Teaching
Michael P. Clough, Joanne K. Olson, Dale S. Niederhauser (auth.), Michael P. Clough, Joanne K. Olson, Dale S. Niederhauser (eds.), 2013
Mathematics Classrooms: Students’ Activities and Teachers’ Practices
Fabrice Vandebrouck (auth.), Fabrice Vandebrouck (eds.), 2013
Engaged Scholarship: The Politics of Engagement and Disengagement
Tania Kajner, Lynette Shultz (auth.), Lynette Shultz, Tania Kajner (eds.), 2013
Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction: Challenging Genres
P. L. Thomas (auth.), P. L. Thomas (eds.), 2013
Die subjektive Seite der Stadt: Neue politische Herausforderungen und die Bedeutung von Eliten im lokalen Bereich
Dr. Jens Aderhold, Katrin Harm (auth.), Katrin Harm, Jens Aderhold (eds.), 2013
Trustworthy Global Computing: 7th International Symposium, TGC 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, September 7-8, 2012, Revised Selected Papers
Antoine Amarilli, Fabrice Ben Hamouda, Florian Bourse (auth.), Catuscia Palamidessi, Mark D. Ryan (eds.), 2013
Proficiency and Beliefs in Learning and Teaching Mathematics: Learning from Alan Schoenfeld and Günter Törner
Yeping Li, Judit N. Moschkovich (auth.), Yeping Li, Judit N. Moschkovich (eds.), 2013
The Affordable Care Act as a National Experiment: Health Policy Innovations and Lessons
Harry P. Selker M.D., M.S.P.H. (auth.), Harry P. Selker, June S. Wasser (eds.), 2014
Kommunale Gesundheitslandschaften
Ernst-Wilhelm Luthe (auth.), Ernst-Wilhelm Luthe (eds.), 2013
INT - Integrierte neurokognitive Therapie bei schizophren Erkrankten
Volker Roder Prof. Dr. phil. (auth.), Volker Roder, Daniel R. Müller (eds.), 2013
Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web: 4th International Conference, KESW 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 7-9, 2013. Proceedings
Zinaida Apanovich, Alexander Marchuk (auth.), Pavel Klinov, Dmitry Mouromtsev (eds.), 2013
Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2013: 12th International Conference, Kenting, Taiwan, October 6-9, 2013. Proceedings
Nick Rushby (auth.), Jhing-Fa Wang, Rynson Lau (eds.), 2013
The Mediterranean Sea: Its history and present challenges
Vincenzo Picotti, Alessandra Negri, Bruno Capaccioni (auth.), Stefano Goffredo, Zvy Dubinsky (eds.), 2014
Risk Assessment in Chemical Carcinogenesis
Professor Dr. Chulabhorn Mahidol (auth.), em. o. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Gotthard Schettler, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Schmähl, Dr. med. vet. Thomas Klenner (eds.), 1991
Skin Manifestations in Rheumatic Disease
Richard D. Sontheimer M.D. (auth.), Marco Matucci-Cerinic, Daniel Furst, David Fiorentino (eds.), 2014
The Design Charrette: Ways to Envision Sustainable Futures
Rob Roggema (auth.), Rob Roggema (eds.), 2014
Forest BioEnergy Production: Management, Carbon sequestration and Adaptation
Seppo Kellomäki, Antti Kilpeläinen, Ashraful Alam (auth.), Seppo Kellomäki, Antti Kilpeläinen, Ashraful Alam (eds.), 2013
Buchführung für den Bankkaufmann: mit Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
Dipl.-Vw. Werner Sauter, Dipl.-Hdl. Erich Herrling (auth.), Dipl.-Hdl. Gerhard Diepen (eds.), 1987