نتایج جستجو

A Cultural History of Disability in the Middle Ages
Jonathan Hsy; Tory V. Pearman; Joshua R. Eyler (editor), 2020
中国经济发展史论文选集 / 中國經濟發展史論文選集 / Zhongguo Jingji Fazhan Shi Lunwen Xuan Ji / Selective Papers on History of Chinese Economic Development
于宗先 / 王業鍵 Yeh-chien Wang / 吳永猛 (等) (編), 1980
تاریح جادو گری
ایرج گلسرخی, 1377
A Cultural History of Education in the Modern Age
Judith Harford (editor), Tom O’Donoghue (editor), 2023
杨念群, 2020
Kirchengeschichte Latein: 100 Schlüsseltexte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart
Florian Durner (editor), Susanne Kochs (editor), Katharina Bracht (editor), 2021
A History of Ancient Greek: From the Beginnings to Late Antiquity
A.-F. Christidis; A.-Ph Christidēs; Maria Arapopoulou; Μαρία Χρίτη, 2007
Controstoria della filosofia
Arthur Schopenhauer, Sossio Giametta (editor), 2023
Anthropologie der Goethezeit: Studien zur Literatur und Wissensgeschichte
Michael Titzmann (editor); Wolfgang Lukas (editor); Claus-Michael Ort (editor), 2011
Uncanny Histories in Film and Media
Patrice Petro (editor), 2022
胡玉春, 2021
Ancient Africa: A Global History, to 300 CE
Christopher Ehret, 2023
Römische Geschichte: Von den Anfängen bis zur Spätantike
Klaus Bringmann, 2019
吴飞, 2021
Sejarah dan kebudayaan Kerajaan Muna
Jules Couvreur, 2001
Remembering Pittsburgh (PA): An 'Eyewitness' History of the Steel City
Len Barcousky, 2010
Metaphysics: An Outline of the History of Being
Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec, 1991
王仲孚, 2007
The Payment Order of Antiquity and the Middle Ages: A Legal History
Benjamin Geva, 2011
Reversing the Rivers: A Memoir of History, Hope, and Human Rights
William F. Schulz, 2023
Historia Na Utamaduni Wa Wataveta
Clara Momanyi, 2015