نتایج جستجو

The Functions of Tonality and Grammar in a Voznesenskij Poem
Dennis Ward, 1974
Algebraic linguistics: Analytical models (Mathematics in science and engineering;vol.29)
solomon. MARCUS, 1967
Bislama Introductory Language Lessons
coll., 2012
Hassaniya Grammar Lessons
coll., 2013
English Grammar Boot Camp (Course Guidebook)
Anne Curzan, 2016
Language and Reality: Selected Writings of Sydney Lamb
Sydney Lamb, Jonathan J. Webster, 2004
Gesamtausgabe der deutschsprachigen Werke. Band 2 Himmel Steigente HertzensSeüfftzer. Ubersehen und mit newe Reimen gezieret (1665) / Ernewerte Hertzens Seufftzer (1663): Kritische Ausgabe der Vorlage für Andreas Gryphius' Bearbeitung
Josua Stegmann (editor); Karl-H. Habersetzer (editor); Marian Szyrocki (editor), 2005
HELLENISTI!: Altgriechisch als Literatursprache im neuzeitlichen Europa
Stefan Weise, 2017
Language Teachers’ Narratives of Practice
Lesley Harbon; Robyn Maloney, 2013
African intellectuals: Rethinking politics, language, gender and development
Thankdika Mkandawire, 2005
Language Teaching and Learning : New Dimensions and Interventions
Ambigapathy Pandian;Christine Liew Ching Ling;Debbita Tan Ai Lin; Jayagowri Muniandy; Lee Bee Choo; Toh Chwee Hiang, 2014
Per la lingua di Montale. Atti dell'incontro di studio (Firenze, 26 novembre 1987)
Giuseppe Savoca (a cura di), 1989
Natural Language Processing in Action, Second Edition MEAP V09
Maria Dyshel and Hobson Lane, 2023
江珍, 2021
中学语文教学渗透生命教育研究 ————以《我与地坛》为例
姜燕, 2019
Pagpaplanong Wika at Filipino
Virgilio S. Almario, Marne L. Kilates, 2015
Mali French Language Lessons
coll., 2013
Jazz As Visual Language: Film, Television and the Dissonant Image
Nicolas Pillai, 2017
Una breve gramática del shuar (Shíbaro/ Chicham)
Glen D. Turner (aut.), Stephen H. Levinson (ed.), 1992
Gesamtausgabe der deutschsprachigen Werke: Band IX Dissertationes funebres oder Leichabdankungen
Johann Anselm Steiger (editor), 2007
How to Talk Language Science with Everybody
Laura Wagner, Cecile McKee, 2023
Natural Language Processing in Action, Second Edition MEAP V09
Maria Dyshel and Hobson Lane, 2023