نتایج جستجو

Prometheus and Atlas
Jason Reza Jorjani, 2016
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: An Engineering Insight
Reza Javaherdashti, 2008
Applying MBA knowledge and skills to healthcare
Loh, Michael; Nassab, Reza; Rajaratnam, Vaikunthan, 2011
Recherche d’information
Massih-Reza AMINI , Éric GAUSSIER, 2013
Collapse Volume VII: Culinary Materialism
Reza Negarestani, Robin Mackay, 2011
Philosophy in Qajar Iran
Reza Pourjavady (Ed.), 2018
Literature of the Early Twentieth Century: From the Constitutional Period to Reza Shah
Ali-Asghar Seyed-Gohrab, (Ed.), Ehsan Yarshater, (General Ed.), 2015
Culture and Cultural Politics Under Reza Shah: The Pahlavi State, New Bourgeoisie and the Creation of a Modern Society in Iran
Bianca Devos, Christoph Werner (eds.), 2013
Iranian Leviathan: A Monumental History of Mithra’s Abode
Jason Reza Jorjani, 1 Sept 2019
Power BI MVP Book: A book of tricks and techniques for working with Power BI
Reza Rad; Anil Maharjan; Indira Bandari; Liam Bastick; Ken Puls; Jesús Gil; Thomas LeBlanc; Ike Ellis; Matt Allington; Leila Etaati; Markus Ehrenmüller; Ashraf Ghonaim; Eduardo Castro; Manohar Punna; Treb Gatte; Gilbert Quevauvilliers; Michael Johnson; Shree Khanal; Asgeir Gunnarsson; Greg Low; Gogula Aryalingam, 2019
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: An Engineering Insight
Reza Javaherdashti (auth.), 2017
Reza Aslan; 黃煜文(譯), 2014
The Continuing Arms Race: Code-Reuse Attacks and Defenses
Per Larsen & Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, 2018
Selfie Biometrics: Advances And Challenges
Ajita Rattani, Reza Derakhshani, Arun Ross, 2019
Stability, Control and Application of Time-Delay Systems
Qingbin Gao Hamid Reza Karimi, 2019
P2P Techniques for Decentralized Applications
Esther Pacitti, Reza Akbarinia, Manal El-Dick, 2012
The Emergence of Iranian Nationalism: Race and the Politics of Dislocation
Reza Zia-Ebrahimi, 2016
Fatima Jinnah: Mother of the Nation
M Reza Pirbhai, 2017
Machine Learning Refined: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications
Jeremy Watt; Reza Borhani; Aggelos Katsaggelos, 2020
Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applications
S.A. Reza Zekavat, 2012
PERHIMPUNAN MUDA: Collected Notes from Marxism Studies in 2014
Benny Apriariska Syahrani, Francesco Hugo, Kresna Herka Sasongko, Muhammad Reza Hilawan, Rengga Frinaldi, 2020
Big data is not a monolith
Hamid Reza Ekbia (editor); Cassidy R. Sugimoto (editor); Michael Mattioli (editor), 2016