نتایج جستجو

Hair care : from physiology to formulation
Allured Publishing Corporation, 2008
Fruit and Vegetable Flavour: Recent Advances and Future Prospects (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
Bernhard Bruckner, S.G. Wyllie, 2008
Land Drainage and Flood Defence Responsibilities (4th Edition)
ICE Publishing, 2010
Revolutions in Book Publishing: The Effects of Digital Innovation on the Industry
Lall Ramrattan, Michael Szenberg (auth.), 2016
Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Handbook
James Hartley, 2008
Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Handbook
James Hartley, 2008
From Red Tape to Smart Tape: Administrative Simplification in OECD Countries (Environmental Performance Reviews)
OECD. Published by : OECD Publishing, 2003
Biodiesel Science and Technology: From Soil to Oil (Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy)
J. C. J. Bart, N. Palmeri, S. Cavallaro, 2010
Science in Clothing Comfort (Woodhead Publishing India)
Apurba Das, R Alagirusamy, 2011
Smart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)
Xiaoming Tao, 2001
Longman New Junior English Dictionary (NJED)
Longman Publishing, 1993
Communication Skills
Richard Worth, J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company, 2004
Communication Skills
Infobase Publishing, 2009
Communication Skills (Career Skills Library)
Infobase Publishing, 2009
Communication Skills (Career Skills Library)
Infobase Publishing, 2009
The Impact of Electronic Publishing: The Future for Publishers and Librarians
David J. Brown, Richard Boulderstone, 2008