نتایج جستجو

Cancer Prevention Through Early Detection: First International Workshop, CaPTion 2022, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022, Singapore, September 22, 2022, Proceedings
Sharib Ali (editor), Fons van der Sommen (editor), Bartłomiej Władysław Papież (editor), Maureen van Eijnatten (editor), Yueming Jin (editor), Iris Kolenbrander (editor), 2022
Choose Your Statistical Test: Little Quick Fix
Maureen Haaker, 2019
Intellectual Empathy: Critical Thinking for Social Justice
Maureen Linker, 2014
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Maureen Gallery Kovacs, 1998
The Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine
Maureen Lyons, Peter McDonnell, Jennifer Schmidt, 2022
Naturally intelligent systems
Caudill Maureen
Ovid's Amores, Book One: A Commentary: 41 (Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture)
Maureen B. Ryan (author) & Caroline A. Perkins (author), 2011