نتایج جستجو

Animal Bones from Excavations in Colchester, 1971-85
Rosemary Luff, 1993
Faith and Fratricide: The Theological Roots of Anti-Semitism
Rosemary Radford Ruether, 1974
Decision Making in Anesthesiology: An Algorithmic Approach
M.D. Bready, Lois L. (editor), M.D. Noorily, Susan H. (editor), M.D. Hickey, Rosemary (editor), 2019
McQs for First Frcr
Varut Vardhanabhuti; Julia James; Rosemary Gray; Rehaan Nensey; Vivien Shuen; Tishi Ninan, 2010
Antropología del Ecuador. Memorias del Primer Simposio Europeo sobre Antropología del Ecuador (Bonn, 28, 29 y 30 de junio de 1984)
Segundo Moreno, Sophia Thyssen (eds.), Udo Oberem, E. J. Currie, José Alcina Franch, Wolfang Wurster, Marius Ziolkowski, Robert Sadowski, Pierre Gondard, J. Guffroy, Miguel Rivera, Chantal Caillavet, Javier Ortiz, Martin Minchom, Birgit Lenz-Volland-Martin Volland, Carmen Muñoz, Segundo Moreno, Ekkehart Keeding, Anne Cristine Taylor, Bernd Mitlewski, Marcelo Naranjo, Roswith Hartmann, Rosaleen Howard, Manuel Gutiérrez-Estévez, Pieter Muysken, Rosemary Preston, David Preston, Axel Kroeger (auts.), 1996
Manual de Libras para Ciência - A Celula e o Corpo Humano
Bruno Iles, Taiane Maria de Oliveira, Rosemary Meneses dos Santos, Jesus Rodrigues Lemos, 2020
Religion, Conflict and Military Intervention
Rosemary Durward, 2016
The Peruvian experiment in historical perspective
Rosemary Thorp, 1979
Citizen Action and National Policy Reform: Making Change Happen
John Gaventa; McGee Rosemary, 2010
Franz Boas: Shaping Anthropology and Fostering Social Justice
Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt, 2022
Violencia y crisis de valores en el Perú. Trabajo interdisciplinario
Jeffrey Klaiber SJ (ed.), Rosemary Rizo-Patrón, Carlos Beas, Hernán Silva-Santisteban, Liliana Regalado, Jeffrey Klaiber SJ, Alberto Flores-Galindo, Jorge Capella, Ludolfo Ojeda y Ojeda FSC, Francisco Bartra Gros, Mary Louise Claux, Mercedes Villanueva, Clemente Sarmiento, Marcela Chueca (auts.), 1988
Herbal Healing for Women
Rosemary Gladstar, 2017
Women at the Margins: Neglect, Punishment, and Resistance
J Dianne Garner; Rosemary Sarri; Josefina Figueira-Mcdonough, 2013
Agricultura y desarrollo rural en el Perú: homenaje a José María Caballero
Elena Álvarez (ed.), Fernando Eguren, Efraín Gonzales de Olarte, Raúl Hopkins, Elena Álvarez, Rosemary Thorp, Maritza Paredes, Héctor Maletta, Corinne Valdivia, Richard Webb, Giovanni Bonfiglio, Teresa Oré, David Bayer, Javier Chiong, Eric Rendon, Eduardo Zegarra, Alberto Gonzales (auts.), 2022
Quem Traiu Anne Frank?
Rosemary Sullivan, 2022
Migration, Remittances and Development in Times of Crisis
Teófilo Altamirano, (auth.); Rosemary Underhay, (transl.), 2010
Women's Transitions from Prison: The Post-Release Experience
Rosemary Sheehan; Chris Trotter, 2017
Working within the Forensic Paradigm: Cross-discipline approaches for policy and practice
Rosemary Sheehan; James Ogloff, 2016
Working with Women Offenders in the Community
Rosemary Sheehan; Gill McIvor; Chris Trotter, 2010
The Politics of Home: Postcolonial Relocations and Twentieth-Century Fiction
Rosemary Marangoly George, 1999
'Crossover' Children in the Youth Justice and Child Protection Systems
Susan Baidawi, Rosemary Sheehan, 2019
Gender at Work
Ann Game; Rosemary Pringle, 1983