نتایج جستجو

Water activity in foods: fundamentals and applications
Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas, Anthony J. Fontana Jr., Shelly J. Schmidt, Theodore P. Labuza, 2007
Advances in Genetics
Theodore Friedmann; Jay C. Dunlap and Stephen F. Goodwin (Eds.), 2009
Advances in Genetics, Vol. 26
John G. Scandalios, Theodore R.F. Wright, John G. Scandalios (Eds.), 1989
Advances in Genetics, Vol. 30
John G. Scandalios, Theodore R.F. Wright (Eds.), 1992
Advances in Genetics, Vol. 33
Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann, Francesco Giannelli (Eds.), 1995
Advances in Genetics, Vol. 36
Jeffery C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann, Francesco Giannelli (Eds.), 1997
Advances in Genetics, Vol. 41
Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann, Francesco Giannelli (Eds.), 1999
All About Albumin: Biochemistry, Genetics, and Medical Applications
Theodore PetersJr., 1995
Applied food biochemistry
Fatih Yildiz; Theodore Peter Labuza; Mohamed Besri, 2010
Advances in Genetics, Vol. 49
Jeffrey C. Hall, Jay C. Dunlap, Theodore Friedmann (Eds.), 2003
High yield bonds
Theodore Barnhill, Mark Shenkman, William Maxwell, 1999
Crimes of Punishment: America's Culture of Violence
Theodore L. Dorpat, 2007
Crimes of Punishment: America's Culture of Violence
Theodore L. Dorpat, 2007
The Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, 1180-1280
Theodore M. Andersson, 2012
Data Driven Decisions and School Leadership
Theodore J. Kowalski, Thomas J. Lasley, James W. Mahoney, 2007
Advances in Computational Intelligence in Transport, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management
Theodore Tsekeris, Loukas Dimitriou, Antony Stathopoulos (auth.), Andreas Fink, Franz Rothlauf (eds.), 2008
Complex dynamics
Lennart Carleson, Theodore W. Gamelin, 1993
Finite Translation Planes
Theodore G. Ostrom, 1970
Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy: Musculoskeletal
B. J. Manaster, Catherine C. Roberts, Carol L. Andrews, Cheryl A. Petersilge, Julia Crim, Zehava Sadka Rosenberg, Theodore T. Miller, Jeff Grossman, R. Kent Sanders, 2006
Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders
Burton Rose, Theodore Post, 2001
Self-Ligation in Orthodontics
Theodore Eliades, Nikolaos Pandis, 2009
Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative Dentistry, 5e
Theodore Roberson, Harold O. Heymann, Edward J. Swift, 2006
Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease
Theodore E. Keats MD, Mark W. Anderson MD, 2006
Dystonia (World Federation of Neurology Seminars in Clinical Neurology, Volume 3)
Theodore L. Munsat, Joseph Jankovic, 2005