نتایج جستجو

Versuche zu Einer Geisteswissenschaftlich Fundierten Psychiatrie
Professor Dr. med. W. Wagner (auth.), 1957
Vereinfachte Blitzableiter
Professor Dipl.-Ing. Sigwart Ruppel (auth.), 1914
Typhus und Krankenpflegepersonal: Vortrag, gehalten vor der Ärztekammer der Prov. Hessen-Nassau am 10. November 1913
Professor Dr. Max Neisser (auth.), 1913
Technisches Denken und Schaffen: Eine gemeinverständliche Einführung in die Technik
Professor G. v. Hanffstengel Dipl.-Ing. (auth.), 1920
Struktur und physikalisches Verhalten der Kunststoffe
R. Vieweg, H. Mark, K. A. Wolf, L. Kollek (auth.), Dr., Professor Karl A. Wolf (eds.), 1962
Interaktive Medien — interdisziplinär vernetzt
Professor Dr. Jochen Hörisch (auth.), Margot Berghaus (eds.), 1999
Internationale Rechnungslegung: Jahresabschluss nach HGB, IAS und US-GAAP Grundlagen — Vergleich — Fallbeispiele
Professor Dr. Beate Kremin-Buch (auth.), 2001
Hot-Electron Transport in Semiconductors
Lino Reggiani (auth.), Professor Lino Reggiani (eds.), 1985
Perspectives On A Changing China: Essays In Honor Of Professor C. Martin Wilbur
Joshua Fogel; William T. Rowe, 2019
Handbook of the Eurolaser Academy
D. Schuöcker (auth.), Professor D. Schuöcker (eds.), 1998
The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China: Opportunities and Threats for Foreign Companies
Gunter Festel (auth.), Dr. Gunter Festel, Dr. Udo Oels, Dr. Andreas Kreimeyer, Professor Dr. Max von Zedtwitz (eds.), 2005
Studies in Hebrew and Aramatic Syntax: Presented to Professor J. Hoftijzer on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday
Karel Jongeling (editor), Heleen Murre-Van Den Berg (editor), Van Rompay (editor), 1991
Food, People and Society: A European Perspective of Consumers’ Food Choices
Hendrik N. J. Schifferstein, Lynn J. Frewer, Einar Risvik (auth.), Dr. Lynn J. Frewer, Professor Einar Risvik, Dr. Hendrik Schifferstein (eds.), 2001
Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy: In Honor of Professor Anthony Preus
D. M. Spitzer, 2023
On Matricide: Myth, Psychoanalysis, and the Law of the Mother
Amber Jacobs; Professor Amber Jacobs, 2007
Dying to Eat: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Food, Death, and the Afterlife
Assistant Professor in Religion Candi K Cann; Candi K. Cann, 2019
Engaging Native American Publics: Linguistic Anthropology in a Collaborative Key
Associate Professor of Anthropology Paul V Kroskrity; Barbra A. Meek, 2019
The Edwardian Detective: 1901-15
Professor Joseph A Kestner, 2017
Emotion, Identity and Death: Mortality Across Disciplines
Mr Chang-Won Park; Professor Douglas J. Davies, 2013
Environment, Archaeology and Landscape: Papers in Honour of Professor Martin Bell
Thomas Walker, Catherine Barnett (editor), 2021
Ways of Making and Knowing: The Material Culture of Empirical Knowledge (Bard Graduate Center - Cultural Histories of the Material World)
Pamela H. Smith (editor), Amy R.W. Meyers (editor), Professor Harold J. Cook (editor), 2017
Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak in Memoriam: Volume 1
Andrzej Skowron, Zbigniew Suraj, 2012