نتایج جستجو

Object and Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing: Modelling and Monitoring Environmental and Anthropogenic Objects and Change Processes
Stefan Hinz; Andreas Braun; Professor Martin Weinmann, 2021
Population, Health and Nutrition in the Sahel: Issues in the Welfare of Selected West African Communities
Allan G. Hill; Professor Allan G Hill, 2011
The Idea of the American South, 1920-1941 (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science)
Professor Michael O'Brien, 1990
Vorkurs Mathematik: Arbeitsbuch zum Studienbeginn in Bachelor-Studiengängen
Professor Dr. Erhard Cramer, Dr. Johanna Nešlehová (auth.), 2008
Who Belongs in America? : Presidents, Rhetoric, and Immigration
Vanessa B. Beasley; Mr Robert H Ferrell; Associate Professor Michelle Hall Kells, 2006
Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstage des Herrn Geheimen Justizrats Professor Dr. Riesser
Centralverband des Deutschen Bank- und Bankiergewerbes (editor); Jakob Riesser (editor), 1913
Brown: Work of G Rietveld Architect
Professor Theodore M Brown, 1970
Carole Wade (Professor of psychology); Carol Tavris; Samuel R Sommers; Lisa M Shin, 2023
Carole Wade (Professor of psychology); Carol Tavris; Samuel R Sommers; Lisa M Shin, 2023
Fundamentals of Accounting and Financial Management
Professor Ken Trotman; Kerry Humphreys; Victoria Clout; Kate Morgan, 2022
Complex Systems: Spanning Control and Computational Cybernetics: Applications: Dedicated to Professor Georgi M. Dimirovski on his Anniversary (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 415)
Peng Shi (editor), Jovan Stefanovski (editor), Janusz Kacprzyk (editor), 2022
When Bad Men Combine: The Star Route Scandal and the Twilight of Gilded Age Politics
Professor Shawn Francis Peters, 2023
Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society (assortment), Australian Outlook(assortment)
Commodore J. T. S. Hall C.I.E., R.I.N. F. Kingdon Ward B.A. (Cantab.), F.L.S., Lieut.Colonel H. W. Tobin D.S.O., Professor C. Von Furer Haimendorf, Nafis Ahmad, Alastair Lamb, Alastair Lamb, W. J. Drew , Geoffrey Wheeler b, H. V. Hodson, A.J.R. Groom, Guy Martin,, 2012
Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society (assortment), Australian Outlook(assortment)
Commodore J. T. S. Hall C.I.E., R.I.N. F. Kingdon Ward B.A. (Cantab.), F.L.S., Lieut.Colonel H. W. Tobin D.S.O., Professor C. Von Furer Haimendorf, Nafis Ahmad, Alastair Lamb, Alastair Lamb, W. J. Drew , Geoffrey Wheeler b, H. V. Hodson, A.J.R. Groom, Guy Martin,, 2012
Left Out: Pragmatism, Exceptionalism, and the Poverty of American Marxism, 1890-1922
Professor Brian Lloyd, 1997
Picturing the 'Pregnant' Magdalene in Northern Art, 1430-1550: Addressing and Undressing the Sinner-Saint
Professor Penny Howell Jolly, 2014
Picturing the 'Pregnant' Magdalene in Northern Art, 1430-1550: Addressing and Undressing the Sinner-Saint
Professor Penny Howell Jolly, 2014
Artificial Rejuvenation and Voluntary Change of Sex According to Professor Steinach
Naum Efimovich Ischlondsky, 1926
Duties of the Vizier (Studies in Egyptology)
Professor Van Van den BoornG.P.F., 1989
Tomorrow's Professor
Richard M. Reis, 1997
The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century / L’ordre juridique international au XXIeme siècle / El órden jurídico internacional en el siglo XXI: Essays in Honour of Professor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen / Ecrits en l’honneur du Professeur Marcelo Gustavo Kohen / Estudios en honor del Profesor Marcelo Gustavo Kohen
Jorge Viñuales (editor), Andrew Clapham (editor), Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (editor), Mamadou Hébié (editor), 2023
Delbrück, Friedrich der Große und Clausewitz : Streiflichter auf die Lehren des Professor Dr. Delbrück über Strategie
Friedrich von Bernhardi, 1892