نتایج جستجو

Nuclear Instrumentation I / Instrumentelle Hilfsmittel der Kernphysik I
E. Baldinger (auth.), E. Creutz (eds.), 1959
Nuclear Instrumentation II / Instrumentelle Hilfsmittel der Kernphysik II
E. Creutz (eds.), 1958
Nuklearmedizin / Nuclear Medicine: Teil 1A Radiopharmaka · Gerätetechnik Strahlenschutz/Part 1A Radiopharmaceuticals Instrumentation Technology Radiation Protection
Dr. R. Berberich, Frau Dr. M. Besnard, Ing. B. Braun, Professor Dr. Y. Cohen, Dipl.-Phys. J. Fitschen, Dr. P. Gielow, Dr. H. I. Glass, Dr. H. Henseler, Dr. R. Hindel, Professor Dipl.-Ing. K. Jordan, Dr. D. Junker, Dipl.-Phys. K. Kasperek, Dr.-Ing. V. Klement, Dr. R. A. Krause, Dr. M. Löffler, Professor Dr. W. J. Lorenz, Dr. R. Maushart, Dr. P. Meyer, Professor Dr. E. Oberhausen, Professor Dr. R. Wolf (auth.), Professor Dr. H. Hundeshagen (eds.), 1980
Progress of Nuclear Safety for Symbiosis and Sustainability: Advanced Digital Instrumentation, Control and Information Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
Hidekazu Yoshikawa, Zhijian Zhang (eds.), 2014
Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages (Vol. 1. Core Technologies)
Larry Brown Marty Hall, 2003
Nuclear Power and the Energy Crisis: Politics and the Atomic Industry
Duncan Burn (auth.), 1978
Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology: Simulators for Nuclear Power
T. H. E. Chambers, 1986
An Introduction to the Neutron Kinetics of Nuclear Power Reactors. Nuclear Engineering Division
J. G. Tyror, R. I. Vaughan, 1970
A Study of the Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonance: The Role of Symmetry Energy in Nuclear Incompressibility in the Open-Shell Nuclei
Darshana Chandrakant Patel (auth.), 2016
Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Pharmacy & Nuclear Medicine
Richard J. Kowalsky, 2004
The Nuclear Tipping Point: Why States Reconsider Their Nuclear Choices
Kurt M. Campbell, 2004
Core management and fuel handling for nuclear power plants
International Atomic Energy Agency., 2002
Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants: Policies, Strategies and Costs (Nuclear Development)
Nuclear Energy Agency, 2003
Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transformations
George Gamow, 1937
Nuclear Physical Methods in Radioecological Investigations of Nuclear Test Sites
S. S. Hecker (auth.), 2000
Nuclear War and Nuclear Peace
Gerald Segal, 1983