نتایج جستجو

Duden Pictorial Encyclopedia in Five Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Bibliographisches Institut AG, 1958
German-English Business Glossary / Glossar der Geschäftssprache
Paul Hartley, Gertrud Robins, 2005
Music and Politics: Collected Writings 1953-81 (English and German Edition)
Hans Werner Henze, 1982
Dulces ante omnia Musae: Essays on Neo-Latin Poetry in Honour of Dirk Sacre (English, French and German Edition)
Jeanine De Landtsheer (editor), Fabio Della Schiava (editor), Toon Van Houdt (editor), 2021
Studies in Byzantine Sigillography (14) (English, French and German Edition)
Christos Stavrakos (editor), Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-seibt (editor), 2023
Ut pictura poeta: Author Images and the Reading of Ancient Literature / Autorbilder und die Lekture antiker Literatur (Giornale Italiano Di Filologia - Bibliotheca, 29) (English and German Edition)
Ute Tischer (editor), Ursula Gartner (editor), Alexandra Forst (editor), 2022
Visual Prosody: The Graphematic Foot in English and German
Martin Evertz, 2018
The Prayer Rites of Synagogal Worship and their Historical Development: Edited and translated by Stefan C. Reif An English Translation of the German Edition of Berlin 1859
Leopold Zunz (editor); Stefan C. Reif (editor); Renate Egger-Wenzel (editor), 2023
Visual Prosody: The Graphematic Foot in English and German
Martin Evertz, 2018
Talugaes Wittes: Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Stefano de Martino on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Kasion) (English, German and Italian Edition)
Michele Cammarosano (editor), Elena Devecchi (editor), Maurizio Viano (editor), 2020
Uber Den Alltag Hinaus: Festschrift Fur Thomas O. Hollmann Zum 65. Geburtstag (Chinese, English and German Edition)
Shing Muller (editor), Armin Selbitschka (editor), 2017
'In ihrer rechten Hand hielt sie ein silbernes Messer mit Glöckchen ...' / 'In her right hand she held a silver knife with small bells ...': Studien ... and Literature (English and German Edition)
Heike Oberlin (editor), Viveka Rai (editor), Karin Juliana Steiner (editor), 2015