نتایج جستجو

A Global History of Architecture
Francis D. Ching, Mark M. Jarzombek, Vikramaditya Prakash, 2011
A Global History of Architecture
Francis D.K. Ching; Mark Jarzombek; Vikramaditya Prakash, 2017
Information system audit and assurance
D. P. Dube; Ved Prakash Gulati, 2005
The Divine Reality - Sri Baba Neeb Karori Ji Maharaj (Neem Karoli Baba)
Ravi Prakash Pande (Rajida), 2005
Elements of Programming Interviews: The Insiders' Guide
Adnan Aziz; Tsung-Hsien Lee; Amit Prakash, 2018
Cancer-Leading Proteases: Structures, Functions, and Inhibition
Dr. Satya Prakash Gupta (editor), 2020
Basic Electronics Engineering: Including Laboratory Manual
Satya Sai Srikant, Prakash Kumar Chaturvedi, 2020
Class Groups of Number Fields and Related Topics
Kalyan Chakraborty (editor), Azizul Hoque (editor), Prem Prakash Pandey (editor), 2020
R Deep Learning Cookbook: Solve complex neural net problems with TensorFlow, H2O and MXNet (English Edition)
Dr. PKS Prakash, Achyutuni Sri Krishna Rao, 2017
Oracle Blockchain Quick Start Guide: A practical approach to implementing blockchain in your enterprise
Vivek Acharya; Anand Eswararao Yerrapati; Nimesh Prakash, 2019
Oracle Blockchain Quick Start Guide: A practical approach to implementing blockchain in your enterprise
Vivek Acharya; Anand Eswararao Yerrapati; Nimesh Prakash, 2019
The Arduino Robot: Robotics for Everyone
Prakshobh Prakash Gaimar, 2020
QoS Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
K. R. Venugopal, Shiv Prakash T., M. Kumaraswamy, 2020
R Deep Learning Cookbook: Solve complex neural net problems with TensorFlow, H2O and MXNet
Dr. PKS Prakash, Achyutuni Sri Krishna Rao, 2017
Towards Optimal Management of Diabetes in Surgery
Sanjeev Kelkar; Shubhangi Muley; Prakash Ambardekar, 2019
Emergency Chronicles: Indira Gandhi and Democracy's Turning Point
Gyan Prakash, 2019
Endovascular Therapies.
Jose M. Wiley; Ian Del Conde; George D. Dangas; Prakash Krishnan; Cristina Sanina; Peter Faries, 2018
Beyond Oil and Gas: The Methanol Economy
Alain Goeppert; George A. Olah; G. K. Surya Prakash, 2018
Wheat and Barley Grain Biofortification
Om Prakash Gupta (editor), Vanita Pandey (editor), Sneh Narwal (editor), Pradeep Sharma (editor), Sewa Ram (editor), Gyanendra Pratap Singh (editor), 2020
Phenotypic Switching: Implications in Biology and Medicine
Herbert Levine (editor), Mohit Kumar Jolly (editor), Prakash Kulkarni (editor), Vidyanand Nanjundiah (editor), 2020
Subaltern Studies: Writings on South Asian History and Society
Gautam Bhadra; Gyan Prakash; Susie Tharu, 1999
Toxicological Aspects of Medical Device Implants
Prakash Srinivasan Timiri Shanmugam (editor), Logesh Chokkalingam (editor), Pramila Bakthavachalam (editor), 2020
Una historia universal de la arquitectura : un analisis cronologico comparado a traves de las culturas.
Francis D. K.; Jarzombek Mark M.; Prakash Ching, 2011
Una historia universal de la arquitectura : un análisis cronológico comparado a través de las culturas. De las culturas primitivas al siglo XIV
Francis D. K. Ching; Mark Jarzombek; Vikramaditya Prakash, 2011