نتایج جستجو

Newton the Alchemist: Science, Enigma, and the Quest for Nature’s "Secret Fire"
William R. Newman, 2018
[英]约翰·亨利·纽曼; John Henry Newman; 高师宁 等(译), 2003
Daily Life in the Middle Ages
Paul B. Newman, 2001
The Tibetan Book of Everyday Wisdom (Library of Tibetan Classics 1)
Jinpa Thupten (Editor), Beth Newman (Translator), 2018
Fight Back: Feminist Resistance to Male Violence
Frederique Delacoste; Felice Newman, 1981
White Women’s Rights: The Racial Origins of Feminism in the United States
Louise Michele Newman, 1999
Creating Thinking Classrooms: Leading Educational Change for This Century
Garfield Gini-Newman and Roland Case, 2018
Quantum Mechanics
Jim Al-Khalili, Jeff Cummins (illustrator), Dan Newman (illustrator), 2016
A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with ROS
Wyatt Newman, 2017
Countdown to Darkness: The Assassination of President Kennedy Volume II (Volume 2)
John M. Newman, 2017
JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the Struggle for Power
John M. Newman, 2016
Release Your Brakes
James Newman
Newman, Mark E. J., 2018
Organisational behaviour : emerging knowledge : global insights
Steven L. McShane, Mara Olekalns, Alex Newman, Tony Travaglione., 2016
Gluck and the opera : a study in musical history
Newman, Ernest, 1895
Against Their Will: The Secret History of Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America
Allen M. Hornblum, Judith L. Newman, Gregory J. Dober, 2013
The Summa perfectionis of Pseudo-Geber. A critical edition, translation and study
William R. Newman, 1991
Imperial Footprints: Henry Morton Stanley’s African Journeys
James L. Newman, 2004
The Idea of the University: A Reexamination
Jaroslav Pelikan; John Henry Newman, 1992
Discourses on the Scope and Nature of University Education: Addressed to the Catholics of Dublin
John Henry Newman, 1852
Matemática e Imaginação
Edward KASNER e JAMES Newman, 1968
Making love in the twelfth century : letters of two lovers in context
Abaelard, Peter; Abelard, Peter /.; Héloïse; Héloïse, Héloïse / approximately; Newman, Barbara, 2016
Making love in the twelfth century : letters of two lovers in context
Abaelard, Peter; Abelard, Peter /.; Héloïse; Héloïse, Héloïse / approximately; Newman, Barbara, 2016