نتایج جستجو

New Semiotics Between Tradition and Innovation/ Nueva Semiótica entre tradición e innovación/ la Nouvelle Sémiotique entre tradition et innovation. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (Sofia. 2014 16-20 September, New Bulgarian University)
Kristian Bankov; Ivan Kasabov; Mony Almalech; Borislav Gueorguiev; George Tsonev; Reni Iankova; Dimitar Trendafilov; Ivo Iv. Velinov; Yagodina Manova; Boyka Batchvarova, (eds.), 2017
Algeny: A New Word, A New World
Jeremy Rifkin, 1984
Websters II New College Dictionary
Webster's New World Dictionary (editor), Editors Of Webster's II Dictionaries (editor), 2005
Eunomia: New Order for a New World
Philip Allott, 1991
New Horizons. Europe’s Death and the Birth of a New World
Danilo Campanella, 2019
New Money for a New World
Bernard Lietaer; Stephen Belgin, 2011
Borderlines in a Globalized World: New Perspectives in a Sociology of the World-System
Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt (auth.), 2002
A Whole New World: Reinventing International Studies for the Post-Western World
Pierre P. Lizée (auth.), 2011
The Silk Road in World History (The New Oxford World History)
Xinru Liu, 2010
Third-World Diplomats in Dialogue with the First World: The New Diplomacy
Robert J. Moore (auth.), 1985
Encyclopedia of Folk Medicine: Old World and New World Traditions
Gabrielle Hatfield, 2003