نتایج جستجو

C++ Programming (De Gruyter STEM)
Yuan Dong, Fang Yang, Li Zheng (editor), 2019
Ambient Backscatter Communication Networks
Dinh Thai Hoang, Dusit Niyato, Dong In Kim, Nguyen Van Huynh, Shimin Gong, 2020
SQUID Readout Electronics and Magnetometric Systems for Practical Applications
Xiaoming Xie, Hui Dong, Guofeng Zhang, Yi Zhang, Hans-Joachim Krause, 2020
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLI
Pan-Dong Ryu; Joseph C. LaManna; David K. Harrison; Sang-Suk Lee, 2020
Deep Reinforcement Learning: Fundamentals, Research and Applications
Hao Dong (editor), Zihan Ding (editor), Shanghang Zhang (editor), 2020
吳作棟傳(1941-1990) : 新加坡的政壇傳奇 = Tall order : the Goh Chok Tong story /Wu zuo dong chuan(1941-1990) : xin jia po de zheng tan chuan qi = Tall order : the Goh Chok Tong story
Bai, Shenghui; Lin, Wanfei; Wu, Zuodong, 2019
夏志清夏济安书信集 = Letters between C.T. Hsia & T.A. Hsia /Xia Zhiqing Xia Ji’an shu xin ji = Letters between C.T. Hsia & T.A. Hsia
Hsia, Chih-tsing; Ji, Jin; Wang, Dong; Xia, Ji’an, 2019
Molecular-Scale Electronics: Concept, Fabrication and Applications
Xuefeng Guo, Dong Xiang, Yu Li, 2020
Attribute-Based Encryption and Access Control (Data-Enabled Engineering)
Dijiang Huang, Qiuxiang Dong, Yan Zhu, 2020
Detecting Noisy ECG QRS Complexes Using WaveletCNN Autoencoder and ConvLSTM
IBDP Chinese A: A Student's Guide to Literary Terms
Dong Ning, 2017
Frontiers in Spray Drying
Nan Fu, Jie Xiao, Meng Wai Woo, Xiao Dong Chen, 2020
荷屬東印度商業名錄 = He shu Dong Yindu shang ye ming lu (The New Commercial Directory of the Dutch East Indies of 1932)
編輯人鄭慕僑. 鄭慕僑. ; Muqiao Zheng, 1932
A History of the Chinese Language
Hongyuan Dong, 2020
Deciphering China's Microchip Industry
Fang Chen;Ruifeng Dong;, 2021
Deciphering China's Microchip Industry
Fang Chen; Ruifeng Dong, 2020
Sinologism: An Alternative to Orientalism and Postcolonialism
Ming Dong Gu, 2013
A Decade of Upheaval: The Cultural Revolution in Rural China
Andrew G. Walder; Dong Guoqiang, 2021
Deep Reinforcement Learning: Fundamentals, Research and Applications
Dong, H.;Ding, Z.;Zhang, S., 2020
Decipering China's Chips Industry (Chinese Edition)
Chen Fang, Dong Ruifeng, 2018