نتایج جستجو

Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques for Emerging Conditions and Digital Transformation: Proceedings of the INFUS 2021 Conference, held August 24-26, ... (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 307)
Cengiz Kahraman (editor), Selcuk Cebi (editor), Sezi Cevik Onar (editor), Basar Oztaysi (editor), A. Cagri Tolga (editor), Irem Ucal Sari (editor), 2021
Adaptive Instructional Systems. Adaptation Strategies and Methods: Third International Conference, AIS 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI ... II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12793)
Robert A. Sottilare (editor), Jessica Schwarz (editor), 2021
Microsoft Excel Functions and Formulas with Excel 2019/Office 365
Bernd Held, Brian Moriarty, Theodor Richardson, 2019
The Early Class Sessions Book 1: A Seth Book: The Seth Sessions Held in Jane Roberts' ESP Class in Elmira NY, 9/12/67-11/25/69
Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts, 2017
The Early Class Sessions Book 2 : A Seth Book: The Seth Sessions Held in Jane Roberts' ESP Class in Elmira, NY, 1/6/70 -12/29/70
Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts, 2017
The Early Class Sessions Book 3: A Seth Book: The Seth Sessions Held in Jane Roberts' ESP Class in Elmira, NY, 1/5/71 - 5/18/71
Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts, 2017
The Early Class Sessions Book 4: A Seth Book: The Seth Sessions Held in Jane Roberts' ESP Class in Elmira, NY, 5/25/71-1/25/72
Jane Roberts, Robert F. Butts, 2017
Nuclear Structure Physics: Proceedings of the Minerva Symposium on Physics held at the Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, April 2–5, 1973
Hans A. Weidenmüller (auth.), U. Smilansky, I. Talmi, H. A. Weidenmüller (eds.), 1973
Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics: International Conference Held in Rome, June 6–15, 1977
Arthur Jaffe (auth.), G. Dell'Antonio, S. Doplicher, G. Jona-Lasinio (eds.), 1978
Nuclear Interactions: Conference held in Canberra, 28 August–1 September 1978
H. J. Specht (auth.), B. A. Robson (eds.), 1976
Nonlinear Problems in Theoretical Physics: Proceedings of the IX G.I.F.T. International Seminar on Theoretical Physics, Held at Jaca, Huesca (Spain), June 1978
A. O. Barut (auth.), A. F. Rañada (eds.), 1979
Quantum Chromodynamics: Proceedings of the X G.I.F.T. International Seminar on Theoretical Physics Held at Jaca, Huesca (Spain) June 1979
E. de Rafael (auth.), J. L. Alonso, R. Tarrach (eds.), 1980
Nuclear Spectroscopy: Lectures Notes of the Workshop Held at Gull Lake, Michigan August 27 – September 7, 1979
G. E. Brown (auth.), G. F. Bertsch, D. Kurath (eds.), 1980
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of the Meeting Held at the University of Lecce June 20–23, 1979
F. Calogero (auth.), M. Boiti, F. Pempinelli, G. Soliani (eds.), 1980
Integrable Quantum Field Theories: Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Tvärminne, Finland, 23–27 March, 1981
H. B. Thacker (auth.), J. Hietarinta, C. Montonen (eds.), 1982
Unified Theories of Elementary Particles: Critical Assessment and Prospects Proceedings of the Heisenberg Symposium Held in München, July 16–21,1981
Mary K. Gaillard (auth.), P. Breitenlohner, H. P. Dürr (eds.), 1982
Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock and Beyond: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Bad Honnef, Germany, June 7–11, 1982
S. J. Krieger (auth.), K. Goeke, P. -G. Reinhard (eds.), 1982
Gauge Theories of the Eighties: Proceedings of the Arctic School of Physics 1982 Held in Äkäslompolo, Finland, August 1–13,1982
Carleton DeTar (auth.), R. Raitio, J. Lindfors (eds.), 1983
Supernovae as Distance Indicators: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics September 27–28,1984
Allan Sandagel, G. A. Tammann (auth.), Norbert Bartel (eds.), 1985
Stochastic Processes in Classical and Quantum Systems: Proceedings of the 1st Ascona-Como International Conference, Held in Ascona, Ticino (Switzerland), June 24–29, 1985
Sergio Albeverio, Raphael Høegh-Krohn (auth.), S. Albeverio, G. Casati, D. Merlini (eds.), 1986
Symmetries and Semiclassical Features of Nuclear Dynamics: Invited Lectures of the 1986 International Summer School, Held at Poiana Brasov, Romania, September 1–13, 1986
Abraham Klein (auth.), A. A. Raduta (eds.), 1987
Electronic Band Structure and Its Applications: Proceedings of the International School on Electronic Band Structure and Its Applications Held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, October 20 – November 8, 1986
O. K. Andersen, O. Jepsen, M. Sob (auth.), M. Yussouff (eds.), 1987