نتایج جستجو

Brokering Tareas: Mexican Immigrant Families Translanguaging Homework Literacies
Steven Alvarez, 2017
Qasida Burda Sharif: Saraiki Manzoom Tarjama (Qaseeda Burdah Shareef: Seraiki Poetic Translation)
trans. Muhammad Ramazan Talib
Posttranslational Protein Modifications in the Reproductive System
Peter Sutovsky (eds.), 2014
Theatrical Speech Acts: Performing Language: Politics, Translations, Embodiments
Erika Fischer-Lichte (editor), Torsten Jost (editor), Saskya Iris Jain (editor), 2020
The Siege of Malta, 1565: Translated from the Spanish Edition of 1568
Francisco Balbi di Correggio, Ernle Bradford, 1965
Translation and Creativity
Kirsten Malmkjær, 2019
The Chinese version of Dharmapada = 法句經之英譯及研究
Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti, 1995
Lucian, True History : Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary.
Diskin Clay, 2021
Asian Translation Traditions
Eva Hung, 2005
Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Lawrence Wang Wong, 2018
DisOrientations: German-Turkish Cultural Contact in Translation, 1811-1946
Kristin Dickinson, 2021
The Book of Aphorisms: Being a translation of Kitab al-Hikam
Ibn ‘Ata’illah al-Iskandari, 2015
Proverbs 10-31: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Michael V. Fox., 2009
Толковый переводоведческий словарь
Нелюбин Л.Л.
О переводе и переводчиках
Цвиллинг М.Я.
Magyarító szótár: idegen szavak magyarul
Tótfalusi István, 2011
The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive: A Radical Translation
Jeffrey Armstrong, 2020
Riddles of Belonging: India in Translation and Other Tales of Possession
Christi A. Merrill, 2008
انرژی و دانشجوی سردرگم
جان جوئیت - ترجمه روزبه حسن زاده, 2021
Conference Interpreting: A Student’s Practice Book
Andrew Gillies, 2013
The Saga of the Jómsvikings: A Translation with Full Introduction
Alison Finlay, Þórdís Edda Jóhannesdóttir (transl.), 2018