نتایج جستجو

Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support: 11th International Workshop, ML-CDS 2021, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood (editor), Xiang Li (editor), Anant Madabhushi (editor), Hayit Greenspan (editor), Quanzheng Li (editor), Richard Leahy (editor), Bin Dong (editor), Hongzhi Wang (editor), 2021
Held To A Higher Standard: The Downfall Of Admiral Kimmel
Matthew R. Pettinger, 2014
Diabetic Foot Ulcers Grand Challenge: Second Challenge, DFUC 2021, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, September 27, 2021, ...
Moi Hoon Yap (editor), Bill Cassidy (editor), Connah Kendrick (editor), 2022
Geschichte der drei Belagerungen Colbergs im Siebenjährigen Krieg
Hans von Held, 1847
Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew
Gunther Bornkamm, Gerhard Barth, Heinz Joachim Held, 1963
The Transformation of the Gulf: Politics, Economics and the Global Order
David Held (editor), Kristian Ulrichsen (editor), 2011
Fourier Analysis, Proceedings of a seminar held at El Escorial, June 17-23, 1979
Miguel de Guzmán, Ireneo Peral, 1980
Die Katharinenkirche in Oppenheim
Dorothea Held, 2007
Democracia nas fronteiras dos Direitos Humanos: as experiências nos 20 anos do curso de direito da UFGD
Arthur Ramos do Nascimento, Thaisa Maira Rodrigues Held, Tiago Resende Botelho, Verônica Maria Bezerra Guimarães, (eds.), 2020
Mārga: Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions: Papers from an international symposium held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, December 17 – 18, 2015
Vincent Eltschinger (editor), Cristina Pecchia (editor), 2020
Early Medieval Monasticism in the North Sea Zone: Proceedings of a Conference Held to Celebrate the Conclusion of the Lyminge Excavations 2008-15
Gabor Thomas, Alexandra Knox (eds.), 2017
Aspects of Friendship in the Graeco-Roman World: proceedings of a conference held at the Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Heidelberg, on 10-11 June, 2000
Michael Peachin; M. L. Caldelli, 2001
Cityscapes of hellenistic Sicily. Proceedings of a conference of the Excellence Cluster Topoi. The formation and transformation of space and knowledge ... civilizations held at Berlin, 15-18 June 2017
Monika Trümper; Gianfranco Sdornato; Thomas Lappi, 2020