نتایج جستجو

Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym’22): Emerging Trends and Challenges in Technology
Yuzo Iano, Osamu Saotome, Guillermo Leopoldo Kemper Vásquez, Maria Thereza de Moraes Gomes Rosa, Rangel Arthur, Gabriel Gomes de Oliveira, 2023
The Ethics and Aesthetics of Eco-caring: Contemporary Debates on Ecofeminism(s)
Margarita Estévez-Saá; María Jesús Lorenzo-Modia, 2020
Embodied Protests: Emotions and Women's Health in Bolivia
Maria Tapias, 2015
Conserving 20th-Century Architecture: The Conservation Management Plan
Maria Paola Borgarino, Davide Del Curto, 2023
Experiences in researching conflict and violence: Fieldwork interrupted
Rivas, Althea-Maria; Browne, Brendan Ciarán, 2018
Branded Content and Entertainment in Advertising: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Creative Advertising Practices
María Rodríguez-Rabadán Benito, 2023
Terceira Viagem de Colombo - O encontro com a terra firme
Antonio Garcia Benitez, José Maria Garcia Fuentes, Carlos Guilherme Mota, 1992
Az átverés művészete
Maria Konnikova
The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary
Seyyed Hossein Nasr; ed. Caner K. Dagli, Maria Massi Dakake, Joseph E. B. Lumbard, Mohammed Rustom, 2015
La narrazione nelle scienze sociali
Barbara Czarniawska, Luigi Maria Sicca (editor), Francesco Piro (editor), Ilaria Boncori (editor), 2018
Ciarlatani. Fake news e medicina dall'antichità a oggi
Francesco Maria Galassi, Elena Percivaldi, 2022
Luminescent Thermometry: Applications and Uses
Joan Josep Carvajal Martí, Maria Cinta Pujol Baiges, 2023
Gender Inequalities and Development in Latin America During the Twentieth Century
María Magdalena Camou, Silvana Maubrigades, Rosemary Thorp, 2017
The American Marshall Plan Film Campaign and the Europeans: A Captivated Audience?
Maria Fritsche, 2018
James Joyce and Paul L. Léon: The Story of a Friendship Revisited
Alexis Léon; Anna Maria Léon; Luca Crispi (editors), 2022
Medicina Ambulatorial: Condutas de Atenção Primária Baseadas em Evidências
Bruce B. Duncan, Maria I. Schmidt, Elsa R.J. Giugliani, et al., 2022
Euripedes; Trajano Vieira; Otto Maria Carpeaux, 2009
Removing Barriers to Environmental Comfort in the Global South (Green Energy and Technology)
Laura Marín-Restrepo (editor), Alexis Pérez-Fargallo (editor), María Beatriz Piderit-Moreno (editor), Maureen Trebilcock-Kelly (editor), Paulina Wegertseder-Martínez (editor), 2023
Leadership. Approaches - Development - Trends
Maria Stippler, Sadie Moore, Seth Rosenthal, Tina Doerffer, 2011
La Colombiade. Le poesie in dialetto. Gli Scherzi
Giuseppe Parini (autore); Stefania Baragetti (curatore); Maria Cristina Albonico (curatore), 2015
Religious Practices and Everyday Life in the Long Fifteenth Century 1350-1570: Interpreting Changes and Changes of Interpretation (New Communities of Interpretation, 2)
Ian Johnson (editor), Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues (editor), 2022
Center 16: Latitudes, Architecture in the Americas
Barbara Hoidn, Brigitte Shim, Angelo Bucci, Solano Benitez, Alberto Kalach, Gerardo Caballero, Cecilia Puga, Rick Joy, Giancarlo Mazzanti, Maryann Thompson, Jose Maria Saez, Tatiana Bilbao, Sebastian Irarrazaval, Vincent James, Javier Corvalan, 2012
Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (13th-20th Centuries) (RURAL HISTORY IN EUROPE)
G. Beaur (editor), Phillipp R. Schofield (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), G. Beaur (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), Maria-Teresa Perez-Picazo (editor), Phillip Schofield (editor), 2013