نتایج جستجو

Crisis as Conquest: Learning from East Asia
Jayati Ghosh, C P Chandrasekhar
Building Sustainable Communities: Civil Society Response in South Asia
Md. Nurul Momen, Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Sheng Li, M. Basavara, 2020
Media as Politics in South Asia
Sahana Udupa (editor), Stephen D. McDowell (editor), 2017
Monarchies and decolonisation in Asia
Cindy McCreery (editor); Robert Aldrich (editor), 2020
Religion and nationalism in Asia
Giorgio Shani (editor); Takashi Kibe (editor), 2020
Viajes de Ali Bey El Abbassi por Æfrica y Asia
Domènec Badia i Leblich, 2009
Viajes de Ali Bey El Abbassi por Æfrica y Asia
Domènec Badia i Leblich, 2009
Waking the Asian Pacific Co-operative Potential: How Co-operative Firms Started, Overcame Challenges, and Addressed Poverty Across the Asia Pacific
Morris Altman, Anthony Jensen, Akira Kurimoto, Robby Tulus, Yashavantha Dongre, Seungkwon Jang, 2020
Alexander the Great and Bactria. The Formation of a Greek Frontier in Central Asia
Holt, Frank Lee, 1988
Viajes De Antenor Por Grecia Y Asia Con Nociones De Egipto (Tomo 2) (1802)
Lantier Etienne Franois De
Creating Culture in (Post) Socialist Central Asia
Ananda Breed, Eva Marie Dubuisson, Ali F. Igmen, 2020
The Palaeolithic Settlement of Asia
Robin Dennell, 2012
Anglo-American Relations And Colonialism In East Asia, 1941-1945
John J. Sbrega; Sbrega, 1983
Hindu Theology in Early Modern South Asia
Kiyokazu Okita, 2014
The Origins Of The Cold War In Asia
Yōnosuke Nagai; Akira Iriye, 1977
Merchant Communities in Asia, 1600-1980
Madeleine Zelin, 2014
The Venture Capital State: The Silicon Valley Model in East Asia
Robyn Klingler-Vidra, 2018
Chinese Houses of Southeast Asia
Ronald G. Knapp
Airport Urbanism: Infrastructure and Mobility in Asia
Max Hirsh, 2016
South Asia's Modern History: Thematic Perspectives
Michael Mann, 2014
Management for Sustainable and Inclusive Development in a Transforming Asia
Takabumi Hayashi, Hiromi Shioji, Dev Raj Adhikari, Fumio Yoshino, 2020