نتایج جستجو

Coherent Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems
Professor Vladimir M. Akulin (auth.), 2006
Complex Nonlinearity - Chaos, Phase Transition, Topology Change and Path Integrals
Vladimir G. Ivancevic, 2008
Complex Nonlinearity: Chaos, Phase Transitions, Topology Change and Path Integrals
Vladimir G. Ivancevic, 2008
Complex nonlinearity: chaos, phase transitions, topology change, path integrals
Vladimir G. Ivancevic, 2008
Adhesion of Polymers
Vladimir Kestelman, 2001
Adhesion of Polymers
Vladimir Kestelman, 2001
Electrets In Engineering: Fundamentals and Applications
Vladimir N. Kestelman, 2000
Complex and Dusty Plasmas: From Laboratory to Space (Series in Plasma Physics)
Vladimir E. Fortov, 2009
Elliptic theory on singular manifolds
Vladimir E. Nazaikinskii, 2006
Diabetic Neuropathy: Clinical Management
Vladimir Skljarevski MD (auth.), 2007
Mathematical events of the twentieth century
Vladimir I. Arnold, 2006
Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century
Vladimir I. Arnold, 2006
Mathematical Events of the Twentieth Century
Vladimir I. Arnold, 2006
Lava Jato - O juiz Sergio Moro e os bastidores da operação que abalou o Brasil
Vladimir Netto, 2016
Quasidifferentiability and Nonsmooth Modelling in Mechanics, Engineering and Economics
Vladimir F. Dem’yanov, 1996
Quasidifferentiability and Nonsmooth Modelling in Mechanics, Engineering and Economics
Vladimir F. Dem’yanov, 1996
Acoustics in moving inhomogeneous media
Ostashev, Vladimir Evgenʹevich, 2016
Aplicaţii cu microcontrolere de uz general
Vladimir Melnic, 2003
Asymptotic Combinatorics with Application to Mathematical Physics
Vladimir Kazakov (auth.), 2002
Asymptotic combinatorics with application to mathematical physics
Vladimir Kazakov (auth.), 2002
Physics of Highly Excited Atoms and Ions
Dr. Vladimir S. Lebedev, 1998
Physics of Strongly Coupled Plasma
Vladimir Fortov, 2006