نتایج جستجو

Blaming the Poor: The Long Shadow of the Moynihan Report on Cruel Images about Poverty
Susan D. Greenbaum, 2015
For Your Sake He Became Poor: Ideology and Practice of Gift Exchange between Early Christian Groups
Georges Massinelli, 2021
Race and the Undeserving Poor: From Abolition to Brexit
Robbie Shilliam, 2018
Pauperland: Poverty and the Poor in Britain
Jeremy Seabrook, 2013
Poverty and the Poor Law in Ireland, 1850-1914
Virginia Crossman, 2013
Pauper Policies: Poor Law Practice in England, 1780-1850
Samantha A. Shave, 2017
Development as Freedom in a Digital Age: Experiences from the Rural Poor in Bolivia
Bjorn Soren Gigler; Bjeorn-Seoren Gigler, 2015
Twenty years of life : why the poor die earlier and how to challenge inequity
Suzanne Bohan, 2019
Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor
Paul Farmer, 2009
Poor Leadership and Bad Governance: Reassessing Presidents and Prime Ministers in North America, Europe and Japan
Ludger Helms, Ludger Helms, 2012
Megbékélés és újjáépítés 1711-1790
Poór János, 2009
Dying at the Margins: Reflections on Justice and Healing for Inner-City Poor
David Wendell Moller (editor), 2018
The House of the Dead/Poor Folk
Fyodor Dostoevsky; Constance Garnett; Joseph Frank, 2004
Poor Folk
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 2012
Poor Folk and Other Stories
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1988
Patrons of the Poor: Caste Politics and Policymaking in India
Narayan Lakshman, 2011
Indias Labouring Poor
Rana P Behal, 2007
Unseen City. The Psychic Lives of the Urban Poor
Ankhi Mukherjee, 2022
Poor Health: Social Inequality before and after the Black Report (British Politics and Society)
Virginia Berridge (editor), Stuart Blume (editor), 2002