نتایج جستجو

Moribus antiquis res stat Romana: Römische Werte und römische Literatur im 3. und 2. Jh. v. Chr.
Andreas Haltenhoff (editor), Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (editor), Maximilian Braun (editor), 2000
Passages of Belonging: Interpreting Jewish Literatures
Carola Hilfrich (editor), Natasha Gordinsky (editor), Susanne Zepp (editor), 2019
FinTech in Islamic Financial Institutions: Scope, Challenges, and Implications in Islamic Finance
M. Kabir Hassan (editor), Mustafa Raza Rabbani (editor), Mamunur Rashid (editor), 2022
Antikes Judentum und Frühes Christentum: Festschrift Für Hartmut Stegemann Zum 65. Geburtstag
Wolfgang Reinbold (editor), Bernd Kollmann (editor), Annette Steudel (editor), 1999
Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt: Vol. I. Libri XIV - XXV
Wolfgang Seyfarth (editor), L. Jacob-Karau (editor), I. Ulmann (editor), 1999
Mythos im Alten Testament und seiner Umwelt: Festschrift für Hans-Peter Müller zum 65. Geburtstag
Hermann Lichtenberger (editor), Armin Lange (editor), Diethard Römheld (editor), 1999
Reading Roman Declamation: The Declamations Ascribed to Quintilian
Martin T. Dinter (editor), Charles Guérin (editor), Marcos Martinho (editor), 2016
Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring
Manju Singh (editor), Nupur Tandon (editor), Viday Potdar (editor), 2022
Archaeology and Urban Settlement in Late Roman and Byzantine Anatolia: Euchaïta-Avkat-Beyözü and its Environment
John Haldon (editor), Hugh Elton (editor), James Newhard (editor), 2019
Posthumanism and Phenomenology: The Focus on the Modern Condition of Boredom, Solitude, Loneliness and Isolation (Analecta Husserliana, 125)
Calley A. Hornbuckle (editor), Jadwiga S. Smith (editor), William S. Smith (editor), 2022
Hieronymus. Biblia Sacra Vulgata. Lateinisch-deutsch Band V Evangelia – Actus Apostolorum – Epistulae Pauli – Epistulae Catholicae – Apocalypsis – Appendix
Michael Fieger (editor), Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (editor), Andreas Beriger (editor), 2018
Fragmenta Poetarum Latinorum Epicorum Et Lyricorum
Jürgen Blänsdorf (editor), Karl Büchner (editor), Willy Morel (editor), 2010
Plutarchus, Moralia: Volume V, Fascicle 3
C. Hubert (editor), Max Pohlenz (editor), H. Drexler (editor), 2001
Traversals of Affect: On Jean-François Lyotard
Julie Gaillard (editor) , Claire Nouvet (editor) , Mark Stoholski (editor), 2016
Frontiers of Memory in the Asia-Pacific: Difficult Heritage and the Transnational Politics of Postcolonial Nationalism
Shu-Mei Huang (editor), Hyun Kyung Lee (editor), Edward Vickers (editor), 2022
Legislative Decline in the 21st Century: A Comparative Perspective
Irina Khmelko (editor), Rick Stapenhurst (editor), Michael L. Mezey (editor), 2020
Handbook of Systemic Drug Treatment in Dermatology
Sarah H. Wakelin (editor), Howard I. Maibach (editor), Clive B. Archer (editor), 2023
Hieronymus. Biblia Sacra Vulgata Lateinisch-deutsch. Band IV Isaias – Hieremias – Baruch – Hiezechiel – Danihel – XII Prophetae – Maccabeorum
Michael Fieger (editor), Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (editor), Andreas Beriger (editor), 2018
Dianoemata. Kleine Schriften zu Platon und zum Platonismus
Annette Hüffmeier (editor), Marie-Luise Lakmann (editor), Matthias Vorwerk (editor), Matthias Baltes, 1999
Bodies of Truth: Personal Narratives on Illness, Disability, and Medicine
Dinty W. Moore (editor), Erin Murphy (editor), Renée K. Nicholson (editor), 2019
The Metaphorical Use of Language in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature
Renate Egger-Wenzel (editor), Jeremy Corley (editor), Nuria Calduch-Benages (editor), 2015
Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt: Vol. II. Libri XXVI - XXXI
Wolfgang Seyfarth (editor), L. Jacob-Karau (editor), I. Ulmann (editor), 1999
Plutarchus: Moralia. Volume V/Fasc 1
Kurt Hubert (editor), Max Pohlenz (editor), Hans Drexler (editor), 2001
Political, Economic And Social Dimensions Of Labour Markets: A Global Insight
Soon Beng Chew (editor), Lingli Huang (editor), Kai Xiang Kwa (editor), 2022