نتایج جستجو

Angular Forms Jumpstart Ebook
angular-university.io, 2018
Wisdom’s Workshop: The Rise of the Modern University
James Axtell, 2016
’Studies in Logic’ by Members of the Johns Hopkins University (1883)
Charles S. Peirce (ed.), 1983
Decolonizing the University
Gurminder K. Bhambra; Dalia Gebrial; Kerem Nişancıoğlu, 2018
The Gregory Breit Centennial Symposium : Yale University, USA
Breit, Gregory; Hughes, Vernon W.; Iachello, F.; Kusnezov, Dimitri F., 2001
Deep millimeter surveys : implications for galaxy formation and evolution, 19-21 June, 2000, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Hughes, David H.; Lowenthal, James D., 2001
Local and global methods in algebraic geometry : conference in honor of Lawrence Ein’s 60th birthday, local and global methods in algebraic geometry, May 12-15, 2016, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Budur, Nero; De Fernex, Tommaso; Docampo, Roi; Ein, Lawrence; Tucker, Kevin, 2018
Towards a Bibliography of Critical Whiteness Studies
Tim Engles (ed), Center on Democracy in a Multiracial Society, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 2006
International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics : celebrating the career of Peter von Brentano : University of Gottingen, Germany, 5-8 March 2001
Brentano, Peter von; Casten, R., 2001
Viewing Renaissance Art
Open University; Kim W. Woods; Carol M. Richardson, 2007
University of Oxford Transgender Guidance
CarolineMoughton, Equality & Diversity Unit, June 2013
University of Oxford Transgender Guidance
Caroline Moughton, Equality and Diversity Unit, 2018
Mission of the University
José Ortega y Gasset, 1998
Writing for University
Godfrey, J., 2016
The diabetic foot - orthopaedic
University in America