نتایج جستجو

COVID and Post-COVID Recovery: DoctorVee's 6-Point Plan
Dr Vishakha Shivdasani, 2021
There's Always Work at the Post Office
Philip F. Rubio, 2010
Servants of Post Industrial Power: Sociogie Du Travail in Modern France
Michael Rose, 2017
Post-Communist Stories: About Cities, Politics, Desires
Stan Persky, 2014
Graphene for Post-Moore Silicon Optoelectronics
Xu Y., Shehzad K., Bodepudi S.C., Imran A., Yu B., 2023
Women Exiting Prison: Critical Essays on Gender, Post-Release Support and Survival
Bree Carlton; Marie Segrave, 2013
Apocalypse and Post-Politics: The Romance of the End
Mary Manjikian, 2012
Rupture, Loss and Living: Minority Women Speak about Post-conflict Life
Ke Lalita; Deepa Dhanraj
Camden After the Fall: Decline and Renewal in a Post-Industrial City
Howard Gillette Jr., 2006
Dada Data: Contemporary Art Practice in the Era of Post-Truth Politics
Sarah Hegenbart, Mara-Johanna Kölmel, 2023
Will Post for Profit: How Brands and Influencers Are Cashing In on Social Media
Justin Blaney D.M.; Kate Fleming, 2020
100 Years of World Wars and Post-War Regional Collaboration: How to Create 'New World Order'?
Kumiko Haba, Alfredo Canavero, Satoshi Mizobata, 2022
The Development of the Syntax of Post-Biblical Hebrew
Chaim Rabin, 1999
Learning Democracy and Market Economy in Post-Communist Romania
Claudiu D. Tufis, 2012
Pre- and Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians
Carol Smallwood, 2011
Le Vivant post-génomique: ou Qu'est-ce que l'auto-organisation?
Henri Atlan, 2011
Health Policy and Disease in Colonial and Post-Colonial Hong Kong, 1841-2003
Ka-che Yip, Yuen Sang Leung, Man Kong Timothy Wong, 2017
The Passion of Possibility: Studies on Kierkegaard's Post-metaphysical Theology
Ingolf U. Dalferth, 2023