نتایج جستجو

The Good Farmer: Culture and Identity in Food and Agriculture
Rob J.F. Burton; Jérémie Forney; Paul Stock; Lee-Ann Sutherland, 2020
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
Thomas Anderson, 1860
Regenerative Agriculture: A Practical Whole Systems Guide to Making Small Farms Work
Richard Perkins, 2019
The Financialization of Agri-Food Systems: Contested Transformations
Hilde Bjorkhaug; André Magnan; Geoffrey Lawrence, 2018
History of Farming in Ontario
C. C. (Charles Canniff) James, 2018
Ramayaner Utsa Krishi (রামায়ণের উৎস কৃষি)
Jitendranath Bandyopadhyay (জিতেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়)
Resistance to the Neoliberal Agri-Food Regime
Alessandro Bonanno, Steven A. Wolf, 2019
Economic History of Agriculture in Northern Ireland, 1850-1900
David L. Armstrong, 1989
Integrated Waste Management Approaches for Food and Agricultural Byproducts
Tawheed Amin, Omar Bashir, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat, Muneeb Ahmad Malik, 2023
Digital Agriculture for Food Security and Sustainable Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex
Elena G. Popkova, Bruno S. Sergi, Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Elena I. Semenova, 2023
Biochar Applications in Agriculture and Environment Management
Jay Shankar Singh; Chhatarpal Singh
Για το αγροτικό ζήτημα
Β. Ι. Λένιν, 1986
Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture
Parul Chaudhary, Anuj Chaudhary, Ashok Kumar Nadda, Priyanka Khati, 2023
Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles: Concepts, Principles, Components, and Development Guidelines
Ali Roshanianfard, Sina Faizollahzadeh Ardabili, 2023
The Elements of Agriculture
George E. (George Edwin) Waring, 2015
Shifting Ground: The Changing Agricultural Soils of China and Indonesia
Peter H. Lindert, 2000
Thai Agriculture. Golden Cradle of Millenia
Lindsay Falvey, 2000
Agricultural Landscapes of Al-andalus, and the Aftermath of the Feudal Conquest (The Medieval Countryside, 22)
Helena Kirchner (editor), Flocel Sabat (editor), 2022
Soviet Agriculture in Perspective: A Study of its Successes and Failures
Erich Strauss, 1969
The Rural Economy and Society in North-Western Europe, 500-2000: The Agro-Food Market - Production, Distribution, and Consumption
Y. Segers (editor), L. Van Molle (editor), 2011
Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation I: Perspectives from Africa, Asia, America and Oceania
Paulo Pereira, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Igor Bogunović, Wenwu Zhao, 2023
Microbes in Agri-Forestry Biotechnology
Gustavo Molina, Zeba Usmani, Minaxi Sharma, Abdelaziz Yasri, Vijai Kumar Gupta, 2022
A Buddhist Ritual Manual on Agriculture: Vajratuṇḍasamayakalparāja – Critical Edition
Gergely Hidas; European Research Council (ERC), 2019