نتایج جستجو

Introduction to the Fourier transform & pseudo-differential operators
Bent E Petersen, 1983
Introduction to the Fourier transform & pseudo-differential operators
Bent E Petersen, 1983
Differential Galois theory 1
Pillay A., 1998
On the theory and applications of differential torsion products
VKAM Gugenheim, 1974
Elementary illustrations of the differential and integral calculus
Augustus De Morgan, 1909
An Intro. to Differential Geometry With Applns to Elasticity
P. Ciarlet, 2005
An introduction to differential geometry with applications to elasticity
Philippe G. Ciarlet, 2005
An introduction to differential geometry with applications to elasticity
Philippe G. Ciarlet, 2006
An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Applications to Elasticity
Philippe G. Ciarlet, 2010
An Introduction To Differential Geometry With Applications To Elasticity
Philippe G. Ciarlet, 2005
An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Applications to Elasticity
Philippe G. Ciarlet (auth.), 2005
An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Applications to Elasticity
Philippe G. Ciarlet, 2006
E. J. COURANT R., 1941
Funktionenlehre und Elemente der Differential- und Integralrechnung: Lehrbuch und Aufgabensammlung für Technische Fachschulen (Höhere Maschinenbauschulen usw.), zur Vorbereitung für die Mathematischen Vorlesungen der Technischen Hochschulen, sowie für Höhere Lehranstalten und zum Selbstunterricht
Dr. Heinrich Grünbaum (auth.), 1928
Handbook of Exact Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equation
Andrei D. Polyanin, 1995
Algebraic groups and differential Galois theory
Crespo T., 2011
Introduction to Differential and Algebraic Topology
Yuri G. Borisovich, 1995