نتایج جستجو

Train with Lyzabeth Lopez Workout Plan
Lyzabeth Lopez, 2019
Engineering Analytics: Advances in Research and Applications
Luis Rabelo, Edgar Gutierrez-Franco, Alfonso Sarmiento, Christopher Mejía-Argueta, 2021
Advances in Multilevel Modeling for Educational Research: Addressing Practical Issues Found in Real-World Applications
Jeffrey R. Harring (editor), Laura M. Stapleton (editor), S. Natasha Beretvas, 2015
Learn OpenCV 4 by Building Projects: Build real-world computer vision and image processing applications with OpenCV and C++, 2nd Edition (Book + Code)
David Millán Escrivá; Vinícius G. Mendonça; Prateek Joshi, 2018
Learn OpenCV 4 by Building Projects: Build real-world computer vision and image processing applications with OpenCV and C++, 2nd Edition
David Millán Escrivá; Vinícius G. Mendonça; Prateek Joshi, 2018
Learn OpenCV 4 by Building Projects: Build real-world computer vision and image processing applications with OpenCV and C++, 2nd Edition
David Millán Escrivá; Vinícius G. Mendonça; Prateek Joshi, 2018
Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .Net/C#
Wallace B. McClure; Nathan Blevins; John J. Croft IV; Jonathan Dick; Chris Hardy, 2012
Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio 2017
Benjamin Perkins, 2018
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12
Frank D. Luna, 2016
Programming a Multiplayer FPS in Direct X
Vaughan Young, 2004
Special Effects Game Programming With Direct X
Mason McCuskey, 2001
DirectX 11.1 Game Programming
Pooya Eimandar, 2013
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10.0
Peter Walsh, 2008
Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming
Wendy Jones, 2007
Object Oriented Programming With C++
E. Balagurusamy, 2008
Isometric Game Programming with DirectX 7.0
Ernest Pazera, 2002
Verified Functional Programming in Agda
Aaron Stump, 2016
C# programozási segédlet és munkafüzet
Láposi Zoltán, Kiss Tibor, 2018
CNC-programozás alapjai
Czéh Mihály, Hervay Péter, Nagy P. Sándor, 1999
Partnering with HMS: A Guide for App Developers
Xihai Wang, Yue Wang, Hailiang Wu, 2021
The TypeScript Workshop: A practical guide to confident, effective TypeScript programming
Ben Grynhaus, Jordan Hudgens, Rayon Hunte, Matthew Thomas Morgan, Wekoslav Stefanovski, 2021
Essential Java for AP CompSci: From Programming to Computer Science
Doug Winnie, 2021