نتایج جستجو

Multiphysics Modelling of Fluid-Particulate Systems
Dr. Hassan Khawaja (editor), Mojtaba Moatamedi (editor), 2020
Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises (Manufacturing Design and Technology)
Pedro Novo Melo (editor), Carolina Machado (editor), 2019
Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Donatella Danielli (editor), Irina Mitrea (editor), 2020
Handbook of Materials Modeling: Applications: Current and Emerging Materials
Wanda Andreoni (editor), Sidney Yip (editor), 2020
I quattro pilastri della saggezza. Ediz. integrale
Gotama Buddha, K. E. Neumann (editor), G. De Lorenzo (editor), 1992
I quattro pilastri della saggezza. Ediz. integrale
Gotama Buddha, K. E. Neumann (editor), G. De Lorenzo (editor), 1992
Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation (National Research Council (U.s.) Transportation Research Board Special Report)
A. Keith Turner (editor), Robert L. Schuster (editor), 1996
«Il faut bien manger». O il calcolo del soggetto
Jacques Derrida, S. Maruzzella (editor), F. Viri (editor), 2011
Dio, il dono e il postmoderno. Fenomenologia e religione
J. D. Caputo (editor), M. J. Scanlon (editor), 2012
La sofferenza è animale
Jean-Luc Nancy, M. Filippi (editor), A. Volpe (editor), 2019
Romanticism, Philosophy, and Literature
Michael N. Forster (editor), Lina Steiner (editor), 2020
Book Parts
Dennis Duncan (editor), Adam Smyth (editor), 2019
Ethics in Design and Communication: Critical Perspectives
Laura Scherling (editor), Andrew DeRosa (editor), 2020
Pharmacology in rehabilitation
Charles D. Ciccone; Melissa Duffield (editor); Dean DeChambeau (editor), 2016
Physiotherapietechniken von A-Z
Barbara Aigner (editor), Claudia Klose (editor), 2017
Physiotherapie in der Inneren Medizin: physiolehrbuch Praxis
Antje Hüter-Becker (editor), Mechthild Dölken (editor), 2017
Aktivierende Therapien bei Parkinson-Syndromen
Andres O. Ceballos-Baumann (editor), Georg Ebersbach (editor), 2017
Lumbale Rückenbeschwerden: Aktive Rehabilitation in der Physiotherapie
Harald Bant (editor), Guido Perrot (editor), 2017
Professional issues in speech-language pathology and audiology
Mark DeRuiter (editor); Melanie W. Hudson (editor), 2021
Vannithamby, R: 5G Verticals (Wiley - IEEE)
Rath Vannithamby (editor), Anthony Soong (editor), 2020
LPWAN Technologies for IoT and M2M Applications
Bharat S. Chaudhari (editor), Marco Zennaro (editor), 2020
Internet of Things From Data to Insight
John Davies (editor), Carolina Fortuna (editor), 2020
Itinerari della critica teatrale del primo Novecento
M. Cambiaghi (editor), G. Turchetta (editor), 2020
Physiotherapietechniken von A-Z
Barbara Aigner (editor), Claudia Klose (editor), 2017