نتایج جستجو

Learning Android Intents
Muhammad Usama bin Aftab, 2014
Learning a Living: First Results of the Adult Literacy And Life Skills Survey
Organization for Economic Co-operation A, 2005
Studies in Medieval Thought and Learning. From Abelard to Wyclif
Beryl Smalley, 1981
Learning beyond the classroom: education for a changing world
Tom Bentley, 1998
Foundations of Knowledge Acquisition: Cognitive Models of Complex Learning
John R. Anderson, 1993
Improving Schools, Developing Inclusion (Improving Learning Tlrp)
Ainscow Dyson B, 2006
Connecting Leadership and Learning: Principles for Practice
John MacBeath, 2008
Fundamentals of Learning and Memory
John P. Houston (Auth.), 1981
Games and Learning Alliance: Second International Conference, GALA 2013, Paris, France, October 23-25, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Alessandro De Gloria (eds.), 2014
Games and Learning Alliance: Third International Conference, GALA 2014, Bucharest, Romania, July 2-4, 2014, Revised Selected Papers
Alessandro De Gloria (eds.), 2015
Neural Network Learning and Expert Systems
Stephen I. Gallant, 1993