نتایج جستجو

Ottoman Translation: Circulating Texts from Bombay to Paris
Marilyn Booth (editor), Claire Savina (editor), 2022
Job According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation
George Kiraz; Joseph Bali, 2019
Pilgrimage and Political Economy: Translating the Sacred
Simon Coleman; John Eade, 2018
Kural of Tiruvalluver: High-Tamil Text With Translation into Common Tamil and Latin (Tamil, Latin and English Edition)
Tiruvalluvar, Wilhelm Germann (editor), 2010
Five Transliterated Aramaic Inscriptions
William Romaine Newbold, 2019
مردان بیزن
ارنست همینگوی. ترجمه محمد عباسی, 1343
Die Kirchengeschichte des Eusebius aus dem Syrischen übersetzt
Eusebius of Caesarea; Eberhard Nestle (translator), 2019
Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation
Larisa Cercel (editor); Adriana Serban (editor), 2015
1 Maccabees According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation
Philip Forness, 2022
History of Rome: Translated with the Author's Sanction and Additions
Theodor Mommsen, 2010
Vom Aramäischen zum Alttürkischen: Fragen zur Übersetzung von manichäischen Texten
Jens Peter Laut (editor); Klaus Röhrborn (editor), 2013
Ma(r)king the Difference: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Translation
Tania Mancheno, 2023
Treatise on the Principals of Translation Techniques from Arabic into Syriac
Aphram I. Barsoum; George Saleeba, 2010